Minutes: February 24th, 2009


The regular meeting of the Catawba Island Township Trustees was called to order by chairman William Rofkar at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room. In attendance:

William Rofkar, Robert Schroeder, Gary Mortus, Matt Montowski, Jack DeVore, Bryan Baugh, Robert Snyder, Brian Snyder and Pat Cerny.

Gary Mortus made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting seconded by Robert Schroeder. All voted aye. Robert Schroeder made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the amount of $30,320.95 including the last payroll seconded by Gary Mortus. Robert Schroeder, aye; Gary Mortus, aye; William Rofkar, aye. (payment register attached)

Correspondence received: Time Warner, March 15 Channel Changes. Note and pictures from John and Nancy Herl, from Florida, in regard to the ice rescues. Aaron Willoughby, FC Titans Soccer Club, requesting the use of the Community Hall for soccer foot skill classes from March 3rd to April 15. Brian Snyder, The Snyder Group, correspondence regarding a letter from Mr. John Moore implying a zoning complaint was filed because C.L. Fox was moving out of their Muggy Road complex to a new location. Brian Snyder stated it is false. The Catawba Mini Storage Complex has been improved and an excavating contractor is no longer at this time a suitable use for their property. Ottawa Soil and Water Conservation District with an enclosed 2009 tree order form and also notification of a storm water committee meeting on March 10, 2009.

Gary Mortus stated he spoke with Police Chief Robert Rogers about a wage increase for one of our officers and Chief Rogers made a recommendation that we look at Todd Parkison’s wage rate in comparison with the other full-time officers. Currently he is at $19.24 and Dave Downing is at $21.83, Jim Stewart is at $23.36. Gary stated he would like to propose to increase Todd’s wage $1.50 an hour (base rate). Gary Mortus made a motion to increase Todd Parkison’s wage $1.50 an hour seconded by William Rofkar. Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye; William Rofkar, aye. Robert Schroeder questioned if Robert Danklefsen is going to receive an increase. Gary Mortus stated Robert Danklefsen is part-time officer at $12.26 an hour and the only reason he is working the longer hours is because he is covering for Chief Rogers because he is on light duty due to a health issue. Gary Mortus stated it aggravated him the way Robert Danklefsen went about trying to get an increase in wages. William Rofkar stated he does not like to make a special pay for someone that is temporary labor and it puts a weight on his position if a full-time position became available, he would think he is entitled to the position. Other options will be looked into.

Gary Mortus made a motion for an overhead garage door for the gator for security and weather protection not to exceed $600.00. (JVS Garage Door) seconded by Robert Schroeder. William Rofkar stated the frame work can be done in-house. Motion carried unanimously.

Gary Mortus stated Frank Harmon, our health insurance agent, was asked to give the township a quote on vision insurance for the employees. The rate would be $20.00 per person per month for a good vision program. William Rofkar agreed it would be a good addition to our employee benefits package. Gary Mortus made a motion to add the vision service plan on to our health care policy at $20.00 per month per employee seconded by William Rofkar. Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye; William Rofkar, aye. Gary Mortus also stated with our health care plan with Medical Mutual, comes a health reserve account which the township puts in a certain amount of funds to save a large amount. This year we should save $18,000.00.

Gary Mortus spoke with John Smothers and John stated the Park Board would volunteer in the gypsy moth count.

William Rofkar stated he spoke to the Bureau of Workmens Compensation in regard to a claim. They will make a determination and the township will be notified with the results and the township will have the ability to appeal the decision if it is not agreed upon. The township will purchase trees, Autumn Blaze, Red Oak, Renaissance Oasis Paper Birch, from the Ottawa Soil and Water Conservation and plant them in the cemetery for about $700.00.

William Rofkar stated two prices were received for grinding mulch/compost. Barnes Nursery $12,050.00 and Dave Price Metal Services for $5,860.00. William Rofkar made a motion to award the bid to Dave Price Metal Services for brush and compost grinding for $5,860.00 seconded by Robert Schroeder. All voted aye.

Gary Mortus made a motion to adjourn seconded by Robert Schroeder. All voted aye.

7:55 p.m.