Minutes: October 19th, 2011

Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission

October 19, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Paul Patterson.

Members Present: Paul Patterson, Chairperson Patti Piacentino, Vice-Chairperson
Paul Shaw Jordan Davenport
Will Moore Larry Cline, Alternate
Keith Fisher, Alternate Walter Wehenkel, Zoning Inspector

Others Present: David Boss Todd Young
Gloria Tibboles William Tibboles

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Paul Patterson introduced the Zoning Commission members, alternates, and zoning inspector.

Paul Patterson presented the following information on the case before the Commission.
This is a rezoning request submitted by Lois Ballard and Kim & Todd Young. The property is in Section 3, Lots 12 & 15 and the addresses of the property is 2121 and 2157 N. East Catawba Road. The parcel contains about 1.215 acres of land and there are two existing dwellings.

The purpose of the rezoning is to allow the division of the property into two lots. The present zoning is “A” Low Density Residential and the applicants would like to rezone the property to the “R-4” Residential District. There is inadequate lot width to divide the property in the “A” District. Only a portion of the property that is owned by the applicant is being proposed to be rezoned.

Chairman Patterson read the letter received from the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission concerning the case. Their recommendation was for approval, but the Commission noted the applicants should consider rezoning the balance of the property as well.

Chairman Patterson asked Mr. Wehenkel if there was any other correspondence. Mr. Wehenkel indicated there was no additional correspondence. Chairman Patterson noted the letters were sent to the adjoining property owners and identified them.

Paul Patterson asked if there was a representative of the rezoning request in attendance. David Boss introduced himself and one of the owners in attendance, Todd Young. Mr. Boss stated the owners simply want to change one portion of their property to the “R-4” District in order to create two lots, each of which would have a house located on it. The balance of the property is not proposed to be changed at this time. Mr. Boss had no additional information to share with the Commission. Mr. Wehenkel clarified, using a map, the parcels proposed for rezoning.

Chairman Patterson asked if anyone in attendance had any questions. Mr. Tibboles indicated he was interested in what the owners planned. His concern was if their intent was to make it commercial. Mr. Patterson stated he would need a rezoning to a commercial district. Mr. Wehenkel stated the proposed zoning classification
(R-4) would not allow commercial uses. The balance of the Young property and Ballard property would remain as it is presently zoned.

Jordan Davenport asked for clarification on the exact parcels being rezoned. Mr. Wehenkel used a map to point out the two parcels proposed to be rezoned. Mr. Davenport asked about the County’s comments concerning the balance of the property.
Mr. Wehenkel stated he had conversation with the applicant concerning the rezoning of the entire property. They indicated they were only interested in rezoning the front portion. They have no intent to do anything else on the property. He confirmed that with Mr. Boss. Mr. Boss stated that was correct. Will Moore asked about parcel Q. Mr. Wehenkel stated that would remain “A” Low Density Residential. Mr. Moore asked if the surveys take into consideration the side setback requirements. Mr. Wehenkel stated there is ten feet from each structure to the proposed side lot line.

Keith Fisher asked if the accessory building would be divided between districts. Mr. Wehenkel stated the aerial map is not 100% accurate. It may or may not be, but the Young’s will be required to maintain both pieces of property as the rear piece has no road frontage or access. Mr. Fisher asked about the roof lines of the dwellings. Mr. Wehenkel stated there is ten feet from the foundation to the side lot line for both structures.

There being no further discussion, Jordan Davenport moved to approve the rezoning of the property to the “R-4” Residential District based upon the recommendation of the Land Use Plan. Patti Piacentino seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, all members voted in the affirmative.

Mr. Wehenkel stated the Trustees next meeting is election night. He is not sure if the Trustees will be meeting that night or not. He will confirm that information, notify Mr. Boss, and get the notice to the newspaper. Mr. Patterson excused the public from the meeting if they wanted to leave.

Mr. Patterson asked if the minutes from the previous meeting were acceptable. Mr. Wehenkel apologized for not mailing them with the rezoning information. He produced a copy of the minutes. Chairman Patterson asked Paul Shaw to read the minutes which he did. Patti Piacentino moved to approve the minutes as read. Jordan Davenport Seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Will Moore asked Mr. Wehenkel if there is a home occupation for 914 N. East Catawba Road. Mr. Wehenkel stated he does not believe there is. He has been watching the property. There appears to be automobile repair activities going on in the garage. He has had some preliminary conversation with Mr. Rodriquez about the tire sales and the used car sales. Mr. Wehenkel will stay on top of the situation.

Mr. Moore stated the other area of concern was the trailer that had been placed by Boater’s Point. Mr. Wehenkel stated he was unaware of that structure and would need to investigate. A general discussion followed. Mr. Wehenkel stated he needs all the help he can get as he does not travel the roads as frequently as the residents do. He asked that the Commission members please contact him with issues such as these and he will look into them.

Jordan Davenport moved to adjourn the meeting. Patti Piacentinio seconded the motion. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Walter Wehenkel