Minutes: February 26th, 2014

Minutes of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission Meeting
February 26, 2014


Chairman Paul Shaw called the meeting of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Shaw introduced the rest of the Commission members in attendance. They included Jordan Davenport, Vice Chairman, Stephen Lonneman, and Curt Baxter. He also introduced Walter Wehenkel , the Zoning Inspector and Zoning Commission Secretary and Matt Montowski, Township Trustee. Mr. Shaw noted that Ron Wiseman is out of State and could not be in attendance.
Mr. Shaw welcomed those in attendance and stated the Zoning Commission appreciated their interest. He stated this is a public meeting, so debates or talking to each other would not be permitted. He asked if those in attendance had signed the register. He identified that any person wishing to speak must be recognized by the chairperson and identify themselves by name and address for the record. He requested that all cell phones be turned off or muted. He then requested all those in attendance stand and join in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Shaw suggested the agenda for the meeting be as follows:
1) Discussion on proposed text amendments to the Catawba Island Township Zoning Resolution initiated by the Catawba Island Township trustees in January 2014.
2) The reading and approval of our last meeting minutes from July 24, 2013 meeting.
3) The organizational meeting electing a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary for 2014.
4) Any new business
Text Amendments
He asked if any Commission member had any additions or changes to the proposed agenda? There were none. Chairman Shaw requested a motion to consider the proposed text amendments to the Catawba Island Township Zoning Resolution initiated by the Catawba Island Township trustees on January 28, 2014. ______________________ so moved. His motion was seconded by _________________ and passed.
Mr. Shaw asked if any board member has a personal or professional conflict concerning the text amendments. There were no conflicts.
Mr. Shaw read the letter from the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission concerning their recommendation and comments on the proposed text amendments. The Commission voted to recommend their adoption.
Mr. Shaw asked Mr. Wehenkel if there was any other correspondence on the text amendments. Mr. Wehenkel stated there was none.
Mr. Shaw then opened up the hearing to the general public for comments. He reminded those in attendance to be recognized by the Chairman and that only one individuals speaks at a time. There were no comments.
Mr. Wehenkel stated the Board of Zoning Appeals was having some concerns over the responses they were receiving to the questions on the Finding of Fact. The Board felt an instruction sheet might assist the applicants in more appropriately answering the questions. They also added the Yes or No line to set a “tone” for the answers.
Mr. Shaw closed the public meeting and opened the floor for discussions by the Commission members.

Chairman Shaw asked for a motion on the proposed zoning text amendments to the Catawba Island Township Zoning Resolution initiated by the Catawba Island Township trustees in January 2014. Mr. ______________________ moved to recommend adoption of the proposed text amendments. Mr. ________________ seconded the motion.
Mr. Shaw stated a “yes” vote would indicate you are in favor recommending the proposed text amendments to the Catawba Island Township Zoning Resolution, as initiated by the Catawba Island Township trustees to the Trustees for their consideration. A “no” vote would indicate you do not favor the proposed change. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Shaw stated the proposed text amendments will be heard by the Catawba Island Township Trustees at their March 11, 2014 at ______ p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Chairman Shaw stated the minutes of the July 24, 2013, meeting had been mailed to the Commission members. He asked if there were any additions or corrections. There were none. He asked for a motion and a second to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. ______________ so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. ______________ and passed unanimously.

Organizational Meeting

Mr. Shaw stated the Zoning Resolution requires the Commission to hold a reorganizational meeting at its first meeting each year. He stated elections of officers are a part of the reorganizational process.
A Chairman, Vice Chairman, and secretary should be selected.

Mr. Shaw asked for nominations for Chairman of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission for 2014

_________________ nominated by ________________ and seconded by ___________________

Vote on the nomination was a unanimous decision.

Mr. Shaw asked for nominations for Vice Chairman of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission for 2014
_________________ nominated by ________________ and seconded by _____________________

Vote on the nomination was a unanimous decision.

Mr. Shaw asked for nominations for Secretary of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission for 2014

Walter Wehenkel nominated by ________________ and seconded by ________________________

Vote on the nomination was a unanimous decision.

New Business
Mr. Shaw asked if there was any new business for the Commission to discuss. There was none.
Old Business
Mr. Shaw asked if there was any old business for the Commission to discuss. There was none.
Mr. Shaw asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. __________________ so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. ______________________ and passed. The meeting was adjourned at ______ p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Walter Wehenkel