Minutes: September 28th, 2016

Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2016


Todd & Linda Finke
Len Partin
John Kronberg

Paul Shaw, Chairman of the Zoning Commission, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He stated the date was September 28, 2016 and the time was 7:30 PM. Mr. Shaw introduced the rest of the Commission members along with the zoning inspector, Walter Wehenkel. He invited alternate member, Dr. Greg Hart, to join the Commission at the table and serve as a voting member in place of Stephen Lonneman.
Mr. Shaw welcomed those in attendance, asked that they sign the register, asked that they identify themselves when speaking, and to turn their cell phones to vibrate or mute. He asked everyone to join him in reciting in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Shaw suggested the following agenda for the meeting.
1) Consider application # 008714 from Hekron Investment Inc., John Kronberg - President to rezone property at 526 N. E. Catawba Rd. approximately.5 acres from the A district to the R-E Residential Estate District.
2) The reading and approval of our last meeting minutes from July 27, 2016 meeting.
3) Any Old business
4) Preliminary review of a proposed fence, screen, or planting for a proposed loading berth for the proposed Dollar General store at 3147 N. East Catawba Rd.
Mr. Shaw asked if there were any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. There were none. He requested a motion to approve the proposed agenda for the meeting. Jordan Davenport so moved. Dr. Hart seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Mr. Shaw requested a motion to consider application # 008714 from Hekron Investment Inc., John Kronberg - President to rezone property at 526 N. E. Catawba Rd. approximately.5 acres from the A district to the R-E Residential Estate District. Dr. Hart so moved. Curt Baxter seconded the motion. The motion passed
Mr. Shaw asked if any Commission member had a personal or professional conflict concerning the case. There were none. Mr. Shaw stated he would recuse himself from this part of the meeting due to a potential conflict of interest. He stated that Vice Chairman Jordan Davenport would conduct the meeting for the rezoning request.
Mr. Davenport stated the Commission members had a copy of the legal description and the Commission
would dispense with the reading of the description. He asked Walter Wehenkel if he had received any
correspondence concerning the rezoning request. Mr. Wehenkel stated he had not, except for the letter
from the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Davenport read that letter which recommended
approval of the rezoning request. Mr. Davenport opened the hearing up to the applicant for a

Mr. Len Partin stated he was present along with Mr. Kronberg. The parcel being discussed became
available to Mr. Kronberg during the previous rezoning request and Mr. Kronberg decided to purchase it
and include it in his development plan. To do this, he needs to get it rezoned to the “R-E” district. Mr.
Partin stated the intent is to use it as an access point for the development. It is much safer than using
Wine Cellar Road.

Jordan Davenport asked if the parcel had already been purchased. Mr. Partin stated that it had been
purchased. Mr. Wiseman asked if there would be an entrance of Wine Cellar Road. Mr. Partin stated
the main entrance would be through this new parcel, though there may be another access off Wine
Cellar Road as well. There is already a driveway in place and it is more elevated and therefore safer than
Wine Cellar Road. Mr. Wiseman asked if ODOT had been contacted. Mr. Partin stated they had not yet
been contacted. Mr. Davenport stated there are a lot of accidents at Wine Cellar. Mr. Partin agreed.

Mr. Davenport asked for any comments or questions from those in attendance. There were no
comments. Mr. Davenport closed the hearing and requested input from the Commission members.
There were no additional comments from the members.

Mr. Davenport stated there is a request through Application # 008714 from Hekron Investment Inc., John Kronberg - President to rezone property at 526 N. E. Catawba Rd. approximately .5 acres from the A district to the R-E Residential Estate District. He asked for a motion on the request. Dr. Hart moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Curt Baxter seconded the motion. All members voted yes on the motion.
Mr. Davenport announced that Application # 008714 from Hekron Investment Inc., John Kronberg - President to rezone property at 526 N. E. Catawba Rd. approximately.5 acres from the A district to the R-E Residential Estate District will be recommended to the Catawba Island Trustees for their consideration. The date of this meeting is October 25, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Shaw assumed his position as Chairman of the Commission.
Mr. Shaw requested a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the July 27, 2016 meeting as mailed. Jordan Davenport so moved. His motion was seconded by Ron Wiseman and the motion was passed.
Mr. Shaw asked if there was any old business. There was none.

Mr. Shaw asked if there was any new business. Mr. Wehenkel stated he had nothing new except the preliminary review of a proposed fence, screen, or planting for a proposed loading berth for the proposed Dollar General store at 3147 N. East Catawba Rd. Mr. Wehenkel stated he has no application before him at this time nor has he issued a zoning certificate for the store. However, based upon previous submissions and the way the zoning resolution is worded, the Zoning Commission will ultimately have the responsibility of reviewing and approving the screen, fence, or planting that will be used for the loading berth/parking area adjacent to the residential zoning located to the east.

Mr. Wehenkel supplied the Commission members with a possible fence design that might be used for the property as well as a copy of the site plan. He explained the various components of both. He stated the Commission would need to hold a public hearing with notice to adjoining property owners before any decision on the fence, screen, or planting could occur.

Mr. Wehenkel stated he was simply trying to provide the Commission members information in advance. There was a general question and answer period. Mr. Wehenkel suggested they each visit the site and get a better feel for the situation.

Mr. Shaw stated the next scheduled meeting for the zoning Commission is scheduled for October 26, 2016 “if needed”. Mr. Wehenkel stated at the present time he has no submitted cases for the Commission. Mr. Wiseman noted he would be gone from the end of November through March.
Mr. Shaw requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jordan Davenport so moved. His motion was seconded by Curt Baxter and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Walter C. Wehenkel, Secretary