Minutes: January 28th, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by

Patti Piacentino, Present
Matt Montowski, Member
Paul Shaw, Member
Paul Patterson, Member
Will Moore, Member
Patti Piacentino, Member
Pat Cerny, Zoning Inspector

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Paul Shaw made a motion to approve the December 17 minutes as presented. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the need to appoint two alternates to the board. Each member will think about who they think might be good possible alternates and bring their ideas to the next meeting.

The Board also discussed commercial pieces of property that the realtors usually put oversize “for sale” signs on. Pat Cerny requires the realtor to get a $150 billboard permit and set the sign off the right of way 60 feet. Pat Cerny thought the board might want to look at the possibility of regulating commercial signs to allow them to be somewhat larger than a regular for sale sign, but not as large as a billboard and possibly have a shorter setback distance. The Board agreed they would take the information into consideration and revisit the issue at another meeting.

Matt Montowski talked about the declining property values in Ottawa County. He noted the City of Port Clinton has put together an ordinance to maintain exterior property maintenance code. Matt Montowski said he thinks this is something we should consider doing. Paul Shaw noted he would like to see other resolutions and other townships that have adopted similar resolutions to see how they are written.

Matt Montowski said the City of Port Clinton pulled together information from other
cities’ resolutions and had an attorney draft the new resolution. Pat Cerny suggested Matt Montowski talk to the Catawba Island Trustees before taking the issue to Regional Planning or Mark Mulligan.

Paul Shaw made a motion for Matt Montowski to be Chairman of the Zoning Commission seconded by Will Moore. All voted aye. The motion was carried unanimously.

Paul Shaw made a motion for Paul Patterson to continue as Vice Chairman, seconded by
Patti Piacentino. All voted aye. The motion was carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned.
Matt Montowski, Chairman