Minutes: June 12th, 2018

Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees

Meeting Minutes

June 12, 2018

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman Gary Mortus on Tuesday, June 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room.

In attendance were Gary Mortus, Matt Montowski, William Rofkar, Karen Shaw, Dan Barlow,
John Gangway, Kevin Wylie, Craig Koerpel, Dave Belden, Diane Belden, Rick Smetzer, and
Jack DeVore.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve the May 22, 2018 Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as amended. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the last two payrolls, in the amount of $112,852.86 which included a payment of $37,861 to Hylant Administrative Services for property and liability insurance and a payment of $6,937.85 to Republic Services for the Spring Clean Up. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


A letter from Phil Graham concerning the property behind his home and requesting the property located at 5525 E. Channel Drive be mowed and maintained on a regular basis.

Matt Montowski said he would like to follow up with the letter.

A letter from Ohio Title Corp regarding the 1.5 acres to be split from 3147 NE Catawba Road.

Trustees agreed there are no ordinances or resolutions pending for assessments on said property.

An invitation from the Ottawa County Health Partners to attend the Community Release of the 2017 Community Health Assessment to be held Friday, June 15, at Magruder Hospital.

A letter of compliance from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency regarding a comprehensive inspection of the compost facility conducted on May 15, 2018. It was noted there were no violations discovered during the inspection.


Fiscal Officer Karen Shaw presented the May 2018 financial reports and bank reconciliation. There were no questions or concerns.


Matt Montowski said there were twenty zoning permits, two variances, and one map amendment issued in May with a total of $2,415.46 collected in fees.


Police Chief John Gangway said the camera system and smoke detectors in the police station and administration building are installed and functioning.

Matt Montowski said he received an email from Steve Lovitt requesting permission to close the road for approximately an hour the morning of July 4 for the parade in Gem Beach.

John Gangway said closing the road has worked out well in the past and agreed to do the same again this year.

A brief discussion took place regarding unauthorized vehicles parking at the West Harbor Boat Launch. Dan Barlow said the issue has been resolved and the vehicles are moving to a new location.


Maintenance Supervisor Dan Barlow presented quotes for grinding material and removing from site, as well as moving and mounding existing material at the compost facility from Barnes $23,017, Lake Erie Tree Service, LLC $17,000, and C.L. Fox Contractors, Inc. for $4,450 to just turn over, move, and mound material not including grinding.

Matt Montowski made a motion to contract with Lake Erie Tree Service, LLC for $17,000 to grind material and remove off site, turn over and move material, and mound and leave on site material. Lake Erie Tree Service personnel will make an effort to find and remove contamination (concrete, metal, boulders, and asphalt) from the pile prior to loading the grinder. If contamination does occur beyond normal wear, the township will pay for those repair costs up to $2,500 with supporting documentation of costs. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Dan Barlow said Stively Electric should have the light outside the police station installed within the next week and A.T. Emmett should have the electrical work completed at the West Harbor Marina within the next week. Dan Barlow also said the new backhoe will be delivered next week.

Dan Barlow said the bank on the east side of the ditch off East Catawba Road is almost at a 45 degree angle. He said they would like to level the bank off so there is a more level surface for mowing. Matt Montowski said he would check the easement to see if that would be allowable.

Matt Montowski complimented Dan Barlow on the good report from the EPA.

A discussion regarding maintenance services took place and Dan Barlow confirmed they only pick up leaves in the spring and in the fall and brush is picked up every other week during the summer months as time and weather allows. Maintenance personnel do not take calls for brush pick up as they canvas the township from one end to the other on a regular basis until the brush is picked up. Township maintenance personnel do not pick up grass clippings when picking up the leaves as the clippings are detrimental to the equipment.

Dan Barlow agreed to attend a Preliminary Damage Assessment class on June 18, 2018 provided by the Emergency Management Agency.


Fire Chief Kevin Wylie said they received two quotes for a compressor unit to fill air bottles. He said one quote was for over $53,000 from Proair but the fire department decided to go with Breathing Air Systems because they have had good luck with them in the past. Kevin Wylie presented a quote from Breathing Air Systems for $49,626.60 and said the Firemen’s Association has agreed to pay half of the cost for the compressor. He said a certified electrician will be required to wire and install the unit correctly at a cost of approximately $5,000.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve a contract with Breathing Air Systems out of Reynoldsburg, Ohio for a Unicus III - Unitized Air System Compressor at a cost of $49,626.60 for which the township will pay 50% of the cost and the Catawba Island Firemen’s Association agrees to pay 50% of the cost. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

New Business

Craig Koerpel said the grand opening of the Catawba Island Historical Society will take place Saturday, June 16, at 10:00 a.m. He said there will also be a reception at the Community Hall Wednesday, June 13, for lifetime members of the association. Craig Koerpel said there are 77 members at this time and each has donated $1,000 which has generated the amount needed for an endowment to help with the operating budget in the years ahead.

Craig Koerpel said Rick Thomas, a resident of the township, made the dedication plaque which will be mounted on the wall in the chapel. Craig Koerpel presented the Trustees and Fiscal Officer with a photo of the dedication plaque which included a photo of Rick Thomas.

Craig Koerpel said there will be a strong attendances at the opening for the ribbon cutting Saturday morning and he asked the Trustees to consider closing East Porter Road from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.

Police Chief John Gangway said Dan Barlow is providing barricades and there will be another officer in addition to himself and their intent is to close the east bound lane from Porter to the Miller Ferry parking lot and cone off the center line with officers at both ends from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. He said they can make adjustments as necessary.

Craig Koerpel thanked Dan Barlow and Kevin Wylie for their help during the move into the chapel.

William Rofkar suggested after the grand opening that the property to the west of the chapel parking lot be marked to separate the chapel parking from the property owned by a neighboring resident so future parking does not spill into the resident’s property.

On behalf of his mom and entire family, Dave Belden expressed appreciation for the services provided his family over the past year and weeks, particularly John Gangway and Dan Barlow.

Trustees agreed that after further consideration they will not pursue a dog park at Heigel Park.

Matt Montowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

___________________________ _____________________________
Gary Mortus, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer