Minutes: June 26th, 2019

JUNE 26, 2019

Chairman Jordan Davenport called the meeting of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. For the record, he identified the date as June 26, 2019.
He introduced himself, as well as the other Commission members, that included, Paul Shaw, Vice Chairman, Ron Wiseman, Stephen Lonneman, and Alternates Dr. Gregory Hart and Jeff Green. Also introduced were Todd Bickley, Catawba Island Township Zoning Inspector and Board Secretary and Matt Montowski, Catawba Island Township Trustee.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Chairman Davenport suggested the following agenda for the meeting.
1) Consider all applications to amend the Zoning Resolution.
2) Approval of prior meeting minutes.
3) Unfinished business from the prior meeting.
4) Any new business.
Chairman Davenport asked if there were any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. There were none. Dr. Gregory Hart made a motion to approve the proposed agenda for the meeting. Stephen Lonneman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item 1 – Applications to amend the Zoning Resolution
No application has been submitted.
Agenda Item 2 – Approval of Minutes
No corrections or additions were made to the May 22, 2019 Meeting Minutes and they stand approved as emailed.
Agenda Item 3 – Unfinished Business
Chairman Davenport commented that at last month’s meeting the Commission considered changes to accessory building requirements. Todd Bickley noted that the accessory building proposal recommends changing the side and rear setback from ten feet (10’) to five feet (5’) in the “A” District and identifying a maximum size limitation of 750 square feet for single family accessory buildings in the “R-4” District.
Chairman Davenport questioned height of signs. Mr. Bickley reported that he has received an application from Toledo Sign Company replacing the Dollar General Store pole sign with a monument sign. The application was reviewed by the Board. Stephen Lonneman suggested that the regulations as written are okay and he is not in favor of limiting sign height.
Chairman Davenport noted that he had emailed three (3) different sign regulations. The Board continued to discuss height of signs. Also considered were temporary signs and flag/flutter signs.
Chairman Davenport questioned sign lighting. Chairman Davenport reviewed lighting regulations from other zoning manuals. Discussion followed.
Dr. Gregory Hart made a motion to reconsider sign height and lighting six (6) months from the June meeting. The motion was seconded by Jeff Green. Motion passed.
New Business
No new business.
Other Business
Stephen Lonneman submitted a letter of resignation effective June 27, 2019. The Board thanked Steve for his years of service.
With no other business to conduct, Chairman Davenport adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Todd Bickley