Minutes: June 22nd, 2022

JUNE 22, 2022
Rebecca Jessen

Members of the Commission in attendance were Chairperson Jordan Davenport, Lewis Mindlin Dr. Gregory Hart, and Alternate Bill Barnes. Also in attendance were Todd Bickley, Zoning Inspector and Matt Montowski, Trustee.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Chairperson Davenport recognized newly appointed Alternate Bill Barnes. Also recognized was newly appointed BZA Alternate Rebecca Jessen.

Chairperson Davenport called the meeting of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. For the record, he identified the date as June 22, 2022. The Zoning Commission procedure was reviewed by Chairperson Davenport.
Chairperson Davenport reviewed the agenda.
Agenda Item 1 – Request for a Zoning Amendment
No applications have been filed. Todd Bickley informed the Commission that an application may be filed for rezoning a parcel of land located at Konker and NE Catawba Roads.
Agenda Item 2 – Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
With no corrections, the May 18, 2022 meeting minutes were approved as emailed.
Agenda Item 3 – Unfinished Business
No unfinished business to conduct.
Agenda Item 4 – New Business
Chairperson Davenport indicated that under New Business, the Zoning Commission will review the swimming pool regulations. Todd Bickley reviewed the setback and fence requirements. Todd noted that the rear yard setback is the same for both a pool and the house. He commented that he has a variance application for an in-ground swimming pool requesting to reduce the rear yard setback from twenty-five feet (25’) to thirteen feet (13’). Todd noted that the City of Port Clinton requires a ten (10) foot setback for swimming pools. Discussion followed.
Todd questioned if a hard cover is provided by the owner, should the fence requirement be eliminated. Discussion followed. The Commission agreed that regardless of whether a hard cover is provided, the fence requirement should continue to apply. Todd also suggested that a minimum height be established for a pool fence. The maximum height is seven feet (7’) in the rear yard.
The Zoning Commission will continue to review the swimming pool requirements at their next meeting. Chairman Davenport noted that the next meeting is scheduled for July 27, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
With no other business to conduct, Chairman Davenport adjourned the meeting at 7:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Todd Bickley