Minutes: June 13th, 2023

Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees

Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2023

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman Matt Montowski on Tuesday, June 13, at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room
of the administration building.

In attendance were: Diane Belden, William Rofkar, Matt Montowski, Karen Shaw,
John Gangway, Kevin Johnson, Dan Barlow, Jack Madison, Brad Schwan, Dorothy Baker,
William Baker, Ann Rumpf, and Lisa Murphy

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve the May 23, 2023, Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as presented. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. William Rofkar, aye;
Matt Montowski, aye. Motion carried.

Diane Belden made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the last payroll, in the amount of $104,689.44. The total includes two final payments totaling $30,800 to Focht Construction for work on the West Harbor Public Boat Launch, a payment of $9,995 to Republic Services for the spring clean up, a payment of $9,660 to JVS Garage Door to replace the doors on the compost barn, and a payment of $4,950 to JUDCO for the F550 maintenance truck repair. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


Police Chief John Gangway shared a Letter of Congratulations given to Officer Devin Pollock on achieving her Master Criminal Investigator certification from the Ohio Police Officer Training Commission.

A letter from Dorothy Baker of the Catawba Island Garden Club requesting use of the Community Hall for their annual plant sale on May 11 and to waive the rental fee.

Trustees agreed the Garden Club can use the Community Hall as requested and waived the rental fee as all proceeds go back to the local community.

A letter from Dorothy Baker expressing concern with poison hemlock at 513 NE Catawba Road. She said the covered area is smaller than last year, but still significant.

William Rofkar agreed to look into the matter.

A letter from Craig Koerpel of the Catawba Island Historical Society requesting consideration be given to expanding the existing parking lot at the Chapel due to continued growth and popularity at the Union Chapel Museum.

Trustees agreed they will have maintenance personnel add gravel to the existing parking lot.

A letter from the Black Swamp Conservancy in regard to scheduling a monitoring visit to review conservation easements and ensure compliance with the terms of our agreement.

A letter from Holcim announcing a price increase at the Marblehead Quarry effective July 1, 2023.


Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Johnson said he met with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for their annual review of the compost facility.

William Rofkar made a motion to purchase four tires from Ohio Diesel for the 2500 Chevy for a total of $987 per provided estimate. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Kevin Johnson said they fixed the catch basin washout on Crogan Street near the ferry parking lot as a resident recently brought it to the Trustees attention. He said they will keep an eye on it.

Matt Montowski said the Engineer’s Office informed him that Gill Construction will be out in the next couple weeks to repair Schoolhouse Road that has been cut for new service at The Orchard.


Brad Schwan said he is waiting on estimates for tennis court repairs at Heigel Park.

Brad Schwan said it was brought to his attention that the cushion surface approved for installation on the pickleball courts is prone to moisture damage. He said the surface is sealed and if the smallest amount of moisture gets in a crack it gets trapped under the surface. Brad Schwan said he recommends going with the standard surface and in exchange, the contractor is willing to put in drainage tile along the soccer side and hill side of the pickleball courts. He said Kevin Johnson said the proposed river rock bordering the courts could be misused by kids in the park and he thought running grass right up to the edge of the court would be better.

Brad Schwan created and presented an amendment to the pickleball courts construction contract with Gerold Construction for the changes.

The amendment to the pickleball court construction contract is made between Gerald Construction, the contractor, and Catawba Island Township. The parties entered into a construction contract which outline the scope of the work and associated cost for the project. The parties have mutually agreed to make certain changes to the contract without altering the overall cost. The following amendments have been made:

1) Court drainage – the original contract has no provision for rain drainage on the high sides of the court other than a river rock border. To prevent unforeseen water damage, the contractor will install a drain tile on the north and the west perimeters using industry standards.

2) Materials substitution – the original contract specifies the use of river rock for the final court perimeter, but due to the addition of drain tiles and concerns of the rock becoming a nuisance, the contractor will substitute top soil around the perimeter.

3) Materials substitution – the original contract specifies a soft cushion surface to the playing surface of the courts. Due to potential moisture damage associated with the cushion surface, the contractor has agreed to substitute a finish with no cushion. The substituted material must meet the same quality standards and project requirements as the original material.

These amendments will not impact the overall project cost as stipulated in the original contract.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve amendments to the pickleball courts contract with Gerold Construction. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


Police Chief John Gangway said the AED’s have been received but we are waiting on the cabinets.

Trustees agreed to install a cabinet with AED in the lobby and another at the Community Hall.


Diane Belden said Saturday, July 8, will be the annual Catawba Island Volunteer Fire Department Chicken Barbecue and Reverse Raffle.

Matt Montowski made a motion to purchase six gauges and a rebuild kit from Atlantic Emergency Solutions for $1,057.74. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


Matt Montowski said there were eleven zoning permits issued in May and one variance for a total of $1,118.24 collected in fees.

New Business

Matt Montowski said on May 9 the township received two bids for the Cemetery Veterans Memorial Area project and Alternate A Memorial Wall project. Barnes Nursery bid $170,291 for the Veterans Area and $58,237 for Alternate A. Masonry Construction Co. bid $144,700 for the Veterans Area and $51,800 for Alternate A.

Diane Belden said the memorial wall is a good idea but feels the proposed twenty foot wall is too large in scale.

William Rofkar said after further reflection he is not in favor or the proposed memorial wall however residents can purchase a memorial tree or place a bench to memorialize a loved one. He said that would actually enhance the cemetery without adding additional cost for the township.

Trustees agreed they do not want to pursue the Alternate A Memorial Wall at this time.

Diane Belden made a motion to accept a bid of $144,700 from Masonry Construction Co. and issue a notice of award to construct the Veterans Memorial Area and Limestone Wall. In addition, Trustees agreed to use any remaining American Rescue Plan funds for the project. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

William Rofkar said a meeting was held with the Ottawa County Engineer and paving will begin soon on Converse, Crogan, Sloan, and Porter. He said they will only pave Monday through Thursday and Miller’s Ferry representatives have been informed.

Matt Montowski said the entrance sign is down on the causeway and he would like to see the sign replaced.

William Rofkar said he will get a quote from Davenport Sign & Art for the two township signs.

Matt Montowski made a motion to upgrade Patty’s computer with RAM and an external hard drive for $300. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Karen Shaw said Hylant Administrative Services provided an updated renewal to include the improvements made at the West Harbor Public Boat Launch. The new renewal supersedes the renewal approved at the previous meeting.

William Rofkar made a motion to renew a contract with Hylant Administrative Services and Ohio Plan Risk Management for township property and liability insurance effective June 15, 2023, through June 15, 2024, in the amount of $49,969 less $8,537 Ohio Plan Advantage Premium Contribution for a total renewal of $41,432. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Ann Rumpf said Basin Road has dropped and asked if Trustees would put something in the road temporarily to draw attention to the drop in the road as it is a safety concern.

Lisa Murphy said she would like the meeting minutes posted on the township website immediately after approved and signed.

Lisa Murphy said there is a house with a camper around the corner and it appears they are using it as a camping spot.

William Rofkar said individuals are allowed to park a motorhome on their lot and use it as long as there is also a dwelling on the property and they are using it for their own personal benefit.

Lisa Murphy said she has seen a lot of golf carts on the main roads. She said she saw one gentleman driving down Schoolhouse to the Cliffs

Matt Montowski said there are golf carts and LSV’s and they look very similar. He said it is legal for LSV’s to travel on a road that is 35 mph or less.

John Gangway said they wrote six tickets on Memorial Day weekend. He said they try to enforce the law because golf carts are a safety concern.

Dorothy Baker presented the idea of a courtesy sticker for LSV’s to help identify them as different from regular golf carts.

Lisa Murphy expressed concern with oversized loads hauling boats without front and back escorts and taking up more than half the road and said she is concerned for traffic safety.

Lisa Murphy said she recently rented the Community Hall and there was an issue with the stove and sink drain not working.

William Rofkar said maintenance personnel stay on top on things but they may miss a sink that backs up. He said the stove is a commercial stove and agreed it is difficult to light.

Lisa Murphy agreed the maintenance staff was responsive when called for assistance.

Lisa Murphy said having both township meetings at 9:00 a.m. is not being supportive of your constituents and asked Trustees to consider returning to at least one evening meeting per month.

Matt Montowski said we appreciate your input. He said we are not the only township with morning meetings. Matt Montowski said you can call or email any of the Trustees if you have questions or concerns you would like addressed.

Diane Belden said in retrospect she is disappointed she went along with the decision to go to all morning meetings and said she prefers the morning meetings but understands the need to be available for our constituents.

William Rofkar said the Ottawa County Commissioners have had day time meetings forever. He said the world works during the day and it has worked out really well.

Karen Shaw said an independent accounting firm is conducting the biennial audit.

Dorothy Baker asked if there is any policy regarding continual garage sales in the township. She said there is a garage sale every Saturday from Memorial Day to Labor Day across from Twin Oast.

Diane Belden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. William Rofkar seconded the motion.
All voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

___________________________ _____________________________
Matt Montowski, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer