Minutes: September 10th, 2024

Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees

Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2024

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman Diane Belden on Tuesday, September 10, at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the administration building.

In attendance were: Diane Belden, William Rofkar, Matt Montowski, Shelly Garcia, John Gangway, Kevin Johnson, Keith Fisher, Lisa Murphy, Mary Jane Porozynski, Ann Rumpf, Jannah Wilson, Jack Madison and Louie Wargo.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve the August 13, 2024, Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as presented. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including payroll, in the amount of $ 123,161.06. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


A thank you card was received from Terry Hafer thanking the maintenance workers for going the extra mile and finding her glasses in the brush pile.

Two additional letters from the Board of Directors of the HOA representing the CIC was received in regards to the EMS discussion that took place at the July 23, 2024 trustee meeting. They are the same letters that were read at that meeting, just signed by two other members.

Jannah Wilson, the Director of the Park District of Ottawa County, was in attendance and submitted a letter to the trustees regarding acquisition of the Davenport property through the Clean Ohio Project. She is requesting the trustees support in in her bid to acquire the 17-acre Davenport property at the northern end of Catawba Island adjacent to the Islander Woods and Trailhead property. It will more than double the size of existing Park District property and would be a great investment in Catawba Island and its ecotourism attractions and ensure the protection of Catawba’s abundant wildlife and beauty. She attached a sample letter of support for the trustees to sign and mail in if they choose to do so.
After brief discussion, all trustees agreed to support this project and will sign and return the letter of support. Matt Montowski made a motion to support and approve the letter for the Ottawa County Parks District project. Willliam Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


Supervisor, Kevin Johnson, stated that he is working on bids right now regarding replacing the furnace and AC units in the administration building. They are 30 years old and he is having a hard time finding someone to service the current units.


Louie Wargo stated that in August there were a total of 27 runs. 19 EMS and 8 Fire.

There will be sales reps on sight to demo turn out gear on October 9th & 16th.

The 221 Retrofit Project is still going good. There were a few hang ups, but they are still moving forward.

There will be CPR and AED recertification on October 14, 2024 for the Fire Department, the Police Department is invited to attend also.


Matt Montowski brought up the fact that there are several trailers being stored at the public boat launch area. They are being left for weeks at a time. He feels it is being used as a storage area and not being used as intended. He is asking if perhaps we should get some sinage put up stating that they can only be left for a certain time period.
Chief Ganway stated that he has been in contact with Middle Bass Island as they are having the same issues. He is waiting to hear back to see how their signs are worded to perhaps use the same language for our boat launch area.


The Fall Walk will be October 5, 2024.

An email was received from a Catawba resident wanting to put a tree in Heigel Park as a memorial to her mother. Matt Montowski stated that perhaps a different location may be more suited as he would hate to see the tree have to be removed at Heigel park for one reason or another. He advised her to speak to the garden club or parks board to see if they had a more suitable area for this tree.

New Business

Matt Montowski gave the zoning report for August. There were 14 permits issued and 1 variance for a total of $1,270.04.

A complaint came in from 2212 N. Carriage Lane regarding Omni Fiber. Matt spoke to them and gave them the Omni Fiber contact information.

Keith Fisher spoke to the trustees reqarding an unsafe structure on Konker Rd. There are animals, weeds and junk on this property. He stated that he and his neighbor have been mowing the lawn, and the owner is still paying the taxes.
William Rofkar stated that if the building is not structurally unsafe and the lawn and taxes are being kept up, they really can’t do anything. He advised that if they stop cutting the lawn, the township can send letters to the owners, and that if the house becomes unsafe there are options for the township to step in. He stated that this property is on their radar and will continue to monitor it.

Matt Montowski stated that Mary Jane is working with Levi on the new township website and there should be something updated this week.

William Rofkar followed up on the complaint from last week regarding the house at 1510 NW Catawba. Fiscal Officer Shelly Garcia reported that the certified letter came back signed by the homeowner and no notice for hearing has been received. The owner has until the meeting on October 8, 2024 to respond.

The trustees received a zoning application for the fire department regarding a temporary sign that they have up. Matt stated that we are exempt from zoning since we are a government entity, and no application fee is needed. The trustees agree to allow this temporary sign.

Matt Montowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting. William Rofkar seconded the motion.
All voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:47 a.m.

The next meeting will be Tuesday September 24, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

___________________________ _____________________________
Diane Belden, Chairman Shelly Garcia, Fiscal Officer