Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2011
The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman Matt Montowski on Tuesday, January 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room.
In attendance were Matt Montowski, William Rofkar, Gary Mortus, Karen Shaw,
John Gangway, Dan Barlow, Joseph Bires, Jim Root, and Jack DeVore.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all followed by a moment of silence for our troops.
The minutes were read from the December 28 meeting of the Board of Township Trustees. Gary Mortus made a motion to approve the December 28 meeting minutes as presented, seconded by William Rofkar. All voted aye. Motion carried.
William Rofkar made a motion to approve and pay the bills in the amount of $28,177.14 seconded by Gary Mortus. All voted aye. Motion carried.
The following correspondence was received by the township and read:
A letter from Port Clinton Mayor Debbie Hymore-Tester and Port Clinton City Schools Superintendent Patrick Adkins requesting the township assist in the funding of School Resource Officer Ralph Edmonds for the 180 day school year. As in the past, the school system pays 50% of the cost of his wages and benefits and the remaining 50% is proposed to be split among the city and townships based upon the student population residing within those political subdivisions. The corresponding share of this cost for Catawba Island Township is $6,888.38.
A memo from Catawba Island Township Zoning Inspector Walter Wehenkel in regard to correspondence he received from Goudreau Management Corporation concerning issues of drainage, easement, and encroachment with his neighbor. In the memo Walter Wehenkel stated he does not believe Mr. Goudreau expects any action to be taken by the Trustees. Walter Wehenkel also stated the issues of concern are private civil matters and he believes there are no zoning violations that exist based upon the letter and supporting documentation.
Notification from Ohio Plan Risk Management informing Ohio Plan members they are now eligible for Ohio Plan’s Lexipol Subscription Subsidy Program. Lexipol is the leading risk management program for law enforcement agencies across the country.
A data table booklet and colorful map booklet outlining coastal areas along Catawba Island Township from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Lake Erie Coastal Erosion Area Ohio Coastal Management Program.
An advertisement from Bricker and Eckler Attorneys at Law highlighting articles relating to construction projects that can be found in their quarterly newsletter.
Fire and Safety
Fire Chief John Gangway reported the volunteer fire department recorded 361 runs in 2010 and stated that is a record by 40. He also noted approximately 85 percent of the calls were for EMS and 15 percent were fire related.
John Gangway reported they have completed their annual Fire Department Inventory and will submit the report to the Fiscal Officer.
Maintenance Supervisor Dan Barlow reported there were 40 burials in the township cemetery in 2010 and a total of 28 cemetery lots were sold.
Dan Barlow said he was asked by Chris Fox if he could have permission to lay drainage tile in a small portion of the parking lot at the township launching ramp because he is installing drain tile at Marine Max. He said Chris Fox stated for a period not to exceed two weeks. The Trustees agreed to allow Chris Fox to lay the drainage tile in the parking lot as long as he returns the area to the way it was prior to his request.
Dan Barlow asked if the township could maintain the one year lease program with Bill’s Implements regarding the township mowers. The Trustees agreed to continue with the program.
Dan Barlow said he would be picking up another order of beet juice next week. The Trustees recommended he pick up two totes. Dan Barlow agreed.
Dan Barlow provided the Trustees with information and bids for a new heating system for the maintenance shop. The Trustees requested Dan Barlow get two more competitive bids. Dan Barlow agreed.
The Trustees gave Dan Barlow permission to look into prices for a new replacement tractor.
Fiscal Officer Karen Shaw stated the Annual Report has been submitted for the year ending December 31, 2010 and is on file at the township. Notification was sent to the News Herald.
Karen Shaw presented the Annual Appropriation Resolution for the Fiscal Year 2011.
Other Business
Jim Root asked if anything was happening with Oglesby Construction or if the township attorney or county attorney had been in contact with Oglesby. Gary Mortus said legal council for the county engineer stated the county engineer needed to pay the bill and owners of the damaged vehicles would end up having to go to small claims court with the contractor. Jim Root asked if the contractor was required to put out a warning system. Gary Mortus stated bidding for the job was done through the county engineer and he was not certain of their requirements.
Jack DeVore asked if they went to small claims court if they would get support from the township. Gary Mortus said that is one thing the Trustees can and should do for the residents is support them perhaps by drafting a letter they can take to small claims court. He stated Trustees could not be an expert witness but would do what they could to help out.
Gary Mortus made a motion to pay $6,888.38 for the township’s share of wages and benefits for the Port Clinton City School’s Resource Officer for the 180 day school year as outlined by the letter from Superintendent Patrick Adkins and Mayor Debbie Hymore-Tester. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
William Rofkar made a motion to approve First Energy as our provider of electrical energy to township buildings for 2011. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. William Rofkar, aye; Matt Montowski, aye; Gary Mortus, abstain. Motion carried.
William Rofkar made a motion to adopt the Annual Appropriation Resolution for the fiscal year 2011 as presented by Fiscal Officer Karen Shaw. Gary Mortus seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Matt Montowski said Evelyn and Steve Heineman decided they did not want to do the cleaning for the township administration offices.
A brief discussion took place regarding cleaning of the township administration offices. Matt Montowski presented a list to Board members and Dan Barlow for the purpose of perhaps following a more consistent cleaning schedule. Gary Mortus suggested allowing himself and Dan Barlow time to review the list and return with their thoughts at a later date.
Matt Montowski suggested the Trustees and Walter Wehenkel visit Danbury Township for the purpose of investigating their Zoning software. Gary Mortus also suggested seeking out Zoning software vendors when they are at the upcoming Ohio Township Association Convention. The Trustees agreed to look into the matter further.
William Rofkar made a motion to accept the term dates as presented for our Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals members as provided by Zoning Inspector Walter Wehenkel. Gary Mortus seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Gary Mortus made a motion to approve a Then and Now Purchase Order for telephone equipment for the township phone system in the amount of $2,552.49. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Gary Mortus made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by William Rofkar. All voted aye. Meeting adjourned.
______________________________ _______________________________
Matt Montowski, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer