Minutes: January 13th, 2009


William Rofkar called the regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees to order on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room. In attendance: William Rofkar, Robert Schroeder, Gary Mortus, Pat Cerny, James Stouffer, Jack DeVore, Matt Montowski and John Gangway. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Robert Schroeder made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting and the reorganizational meeting seconded by Gary Mortus. All voted aye. Gary Mortus made a motion to approve and pay the bills in the amount of $21,261.97 seconded by Robert Schroeder. All voted aye.

Correspondence included Time Warner Cable franchise agreement for the community. Ford Motor Company providing a no charge customer satisfaction program; copy of letter written to Brandon Beckman as he is responsible for damages to one of the township’s police vehicles and the insurance company is requesting reimbursement of the costs.

John Gangway stated Truck 230’s water pump is leaking and the Fire Department will be taking it to Port Clinton Ford and the Fire Department also has a new applicant, Abrahm Woods. John Gangway stated the Police Department would like to purchase five new digital cameras for between $700 and $800 including memory cards and cases. Gary Mortus stated to purchase the cameras. Gary Mortus stated a police cruiser needs to be replaced this year. It has 160,000 miles. Gary Mortus made a motion to approve Abrahm Woods for a one year probationary period as a volunteer fireman seconded by Robert Schroeder. Motion carried unanimously. John Gangway will look into Statewide for police vehicles available.

Matt Montowski stated he did some research on gypsy moths and stated the City of Port Clinton received a grant from the State of Ohio to take down ash trees. He spoke to Roger Demacus, an arborist that works for the city and he stated we might not have a problem. He suggested we talk to Stephaney Miller, the Regional Urban Forester for the State of Ohio. She comes at no cost to the townships for services and stated egg masses must be counted. She will be contacted and a meeting will be set up and also the Marshes’ Edge residents will be invited.

Gary Mortus made a motion to approve expenditures for the Trustees and the Fiscal Officer to attend the Ohio Township Association Winter Conference seconded by Robert Schroeder. All voted aye. Gary Mortus stated he received a proposal for health care from Frank Harmon changing our carrier to Medical Mutual with a savings of $18,000.00 a year with the same coverage. Gary Mortus also asked Frank Harmon to meet with the township and talk about our funding program regarding reimbursements for deductibles. Gary Mortus made a motion to authorize Frank Harmon to switch carriers from Anthem to Medical Mutual as outlined in the proposal seconded by Robert Schroeder. All voted aye. This will be effective February 1, 2009.

Robert Schroeder stated the plow crews did a great job.

A work session for the permanent appropriations will be 6:30 p.m. on January 27, 2008.

The road salt is holding up. Gary Mortus stated we have to use the salt or the county m may not allocate enough salt for us next year. William Rofkar stated the county formulated it this way because they could only receive x-number of tons of salt and the county did it proportionately for everybody across the board. The township also had salt left from last year.

Gary Mortus stated in regard to Bob Dankelfsen’’s wage, he was hired as a part-time employee with a part-time hourly wage. Additional working hours does not necessitate a higher hourly wage rate. William Rofkar and Robert Schroeder agreed with Gary Mortus.

Gary Mortus made a motion to adjourn seconded by Robert Schroeder. All voted aye.