Minutes: December 22nd, 2010

Catawba Island Township
Zoning Commission Meeting

December 22, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Paul Patterson.

Members Present: Paul Patterson, Chairperson Patti Piacentino, Vice-Chairperson
Paul Shaw Jordan Davenport
Larry Cline, Alternate Keith Fisher, Alternate
Walter Wehenkel, Zoning Inspector

Others Present: Norma Jean Winke Matt Montowski
Richard Winke Arielle Montowski
Steve May

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Paul Patterson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present followed by a moment of silence for our troops.

Paul Patterson introduced the Zoning Commission members in attendance. Larry Cline and Keith Fisher, who are alternate members, were asked to serve at the meeting as voting members in place of Will Moore and Jordan Davenport who were not present.

Paul Patterson presented the following information on the case before the Commission. The case number is 543615. The applicant is Norma Jean Winke. Her request is to rezone her property, located at 3142 N. East Catawba Road from the “A” Low Density Residential District to the “R-A” Residential District. The parcel contains 1.14 acres of land of which 0.9319 is requested to be rezoned to the “R-A” District. The remaining parcel (0.2066) will be sold to an adjoining property owner, Midland Title Agency, Inc. Trustee. A letter from Jack Hilbert, Attorney representing Norma Jean Winke, was read into the record by Paul Patterson. It explained the reasoning behind the rezoning request.
Zoning Commission member Jordan Davenport arrived.

Paul Shaw read a letter from the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission into the record. In the letter, the Regional Planning Commission outlined the details concerning the case and identified the Commission’s recommendation for approval of the zoning change as requested.

Mr. Patterson asked Walter Wehenkel if there was any other correspondence. Mr. Wehenkel indicated the Township had not received any other written correspondence.

Mr. Patterson offered the applicant, Norma Jean Winke, an opportunity to address the members. Mrs. Winke indicated she had no additional items to present. She believed that Mr. Hilbert’s letter pretty well explained the circumstances.

Walter Wehenkel stated that when he was listening to Paul Shaw read the letter from the Regional Planning Commission, it occurred to him that the remaining parcel of 0.2066 acres that will be sold to Midland Title Agency, Inc. Trustee, and is not proposed to be rezoned, would not meet the minimum requirements of the “A” District. The adjoining land that is owned by Midland Title Agency, Inc. Trustee is presently zoned “C-4” Recreational Commercial. If the case is approved as presented, an “island” of “A” zoning would result. He suggested the 0.2066 be rezoned to the “C-4” District.

Jordan Davenport questioned Steve May, representing Midland Title Agency, Inc. Trustee on the reasoning of not including the parcel. Mr. May stated once the transfer of ownership occurred, an application to rezone that piece of land was to be filed. Mr. Patterson asked Mrs. Winke if she would oppose amending the rezoning request to address the second parcel. Mrs. Winke indicated she would not object to a change in the application. Paul Patterson asked for any additional comments. There being none, Mr. Patterson closed the hearing to public comment.

Paul Shaw moved to amend application #543615 to rezone 0.9319 acres from the “A” District to the “R-A” District and to rezone 0.2066 acres from the “A” District to the
“C-4” District. Larry Cline seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in the affirmative.

Keith Fisher moved to approve application #543615 as amended with 0.9319 acres being rezoned from the “A” District to the “R-A” District and 0.2066 acres being rezoned from the “A” District to the “C-4” District. Larry Cline seconded the motion. With no further discussion, a vote was taken with all members voting in the affirmative.

A general discussion followed concerning the date that the case would be heard by the Township Trustees. Matt Montowski stated he believed it would be heard on January 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. but stated he would see that notifications were sent out to the applicant and Mr. May.

Paul Patterson stated that a secretary should be appointed to replace Pat Cerny. He asked Mr. Wehenkel if he would serve in that position. Mr. Wehenkel indicated that he would. Jordan Davenport moved to appoint Mr. Wehenkel as secretary of the Zoning Commission. Paul Shaw seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Paul Patterson read the minutes of the June 23, 2010 meeting. Jordan Davenport moved their approval as read. Keith Fisher seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

Keith Fisher asked Matt Montowski if alternate members are appointed to one year terms. Mr. Montowski indicated that was correct and that the appointments usually occur at the Trustees reorganization meeting.

Patti Piacentino moved for adjournment. Paul Shaw seconded her motion. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

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Paul Patterson, Chairman Date