Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees
Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2012
The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman William Rofkar on Tuesday, September 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room.
In attendance were Gary Mortus, Matt Montowski, William Rofkar, Karen Shaw, Dan Barlow,
John Gangway, Zach Baugh, Bryan Baugh, Rich Zoyhofski, Randy Riedmaier, Jack DeVore, and Reggie Langford.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
The minutes were read from the August 28 regular meeting of the Board of Township Trustees.
Matt Montowski made a motion to approve the August 28 meeting minutes as presented.
Gary Mortus seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Gary Mortus made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the last payroll, in the amount of $43,325.74. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
The following correspondence was received by the township and read:
A letter from Peter Weimer requesting to sell four cemetery plots back to the township for the original price that was paid.
The Trustees agreed the cemetery plots can be sold back to the township for the original purchase price.
A letter from Karl Busby requesting use of the Community Hall Thursday, September 13, for a family gathering.
The Trustees agreed Karl Busby could use the Community Hall and waived the fee.
A letter from Hope and Jordan Davenport requesting use of the Community Hall Saturday, October 27, for a family gathering.
The Trustees agreed the Davenport’s could use the Community Hall and waived the fee.
A memo from OSS Solid Waste District regarding signage for the new recycling program.
A memo regarding the next Ottawa County Township Association meeting to be held Thursday, October 18, in Elliston and hosted by Benton Township.
A letter from the Ottawa County Emergency Management Agency regarding request forms for updating Ottawa County’s Mitigation Plan for Natural Disasters.
Fiscal Officer Karen Shaw presented the August financial reports and bank reconciliation and there were no questions or concerns.
Fire and Safety
Fire Chief John Gangway said he would like to send two members of the Fire Department, Jordan Davenport and Lou Wargo, to 16 hours of continuing education training in Columbus during the Ohio Fire and EMS Expo September 20 and 21. John Gangway said the cost for both would be $450 plus mileage.
The Trustees agreed to the continuing education training for the two members.
John Gangway said the patch across the road at State Route 163 near Krogers will be closed for two weeks to replace the drainage tile. He said that will affect EMS transport to the hospital.
John Gangway said they have had issues with the turnout gear regarding the flashlight holder and pants. He said the factory representative took those items back to the factory to repair all the issues at no additional cost.
Dan Barlow said he spoke with Sharon Barnes regarding the delay in getting the brush grinding job completed. He said they are having a problem getting a permit to move the equipment from their site to our compost area.
Dan Barlow said he spoke with a representative from Gill Construction and they have agreed to begin the Poplar Street job Monday, September 17. He said it will take approximately four days to complete.
Dan Barlow said there are some trees along Rock Ledge that need to be trimmed and also a couple of Ash trees on Sand Road near the entrance to Lake in the Woods that need to be taken down. He said he will get an estimate to trim and remove the trees.
Dan Barlow said the two trees leaning at the corner of West Catawba and Sand Road will be removed by the county.
Dan Barlow said he spoke with Adkins Fence and received a quote for $3,084 to install 80 feet of fence to form a “T” at the new recycling site at West Harbor Marina entrance. He said that would keep loose debris from blowing away.
The Trustees agreed they would like to wait to make sure the West Harbor Marina entrance is the right location for the recycling containers before proceeding with a fence.
Dan Barlow said a couple township roads did not get striped when the roads were recently striped through the County Engineer road striping program. Dan Barlow said he will call the County Engineer and have the roads that were missed striped and a couple additional roads striped that were not on the list.
The Trustees agreed and said they will review the list for road striping in the spring to make sure all roads are included.
Matt Montowski said a total of eleven permits were issued and three variances for the month of August and one zoning book purchased with a total of $1,452.24 collected in fees.
Karen Shaw read a letter received from the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission regarding their regular meeting to be held September 18, where the Fairway Estates preliminary plat will be reviewed. The applicant, Sunshine Land III, LLC, proposes the creation of twenty-two lots; four reserve areas; the extension of Chateau Drive, a sixty foot private road right-of-way; and the creation of a sixty foot private road right-of-way. The proposed subdivision contains 17.393 acres of land located in Catawba Island Township north of Cemetery Road.
Old Business
Zach Baugh made a final presentation regarding his proposed Eagle Scout project which includes assembling a 12 foot cedar octagon gazebo near the pond at the rear of the township administration building parking lot. He said the final cost for the unassembled gazebo and shipping is $7,019. Zach Baugh said a group of boy scouts will prepare the ground and assemble the structure on site.
Gary Mortus made a motion to proceed with the Eagle Scout project proposed by Zach Baugh for a gazebo as described and attached to the minutes not to exceed $7,100. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Gary Mortus said he called Marine Max regarding the drainage issue discussed at the last meeting. He said he gave Marine Max the resident’s name and address and they said they would contact him.
New Business
Karen Shaw said Joanne Belair from Riverview Industries in Oak Harbor and Christie Lane Industries in Norwalk dropped off information regarding services they offer including cleaning and document destruction.
John Gangway presented a proposal to switch from Sprint to Verizon and upgrade the Police Department cell phones.
The Trustees agreed the Police Department could upgrade their cell phones and switch to Verizon.
The Trustees set Trick or Treat for Wednesday, October 31, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The Trustees agreed the front of the Community Hall should be painted and the sign replaced.
Gary Mortus made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Matt Montowski seconded the motion.
All voted aye. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
______________________________ _____________________________
William Rofkar, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer