Board of Zoning Appeals Minutes
January 14, 2015
Matt Montowski
Chairman Baugh called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members present included Sandra Erwin and Jack DeVore along with newly appointed alternate, Tim McKenna who was introduced to the Board members. Chairman Baugh asked Mr. McKenna to take a seat on the Board as a voting member for the evening. Walter Wehenkel, Zoning Inspector, was also in attendance along with Township Trustee, Matt Montowski.
Approval of Minutes
Sandy Erwin moved to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2014 meeting as mailed. Bryan Baugh seconded the motion. The motion passed with Jack DeVore and Tim McKenna abstaining from the vote.
Reorganization Meeting
Jack DeVore moved that Bryan Baugh be elected as Chairman for 2015. Sandy Erwin seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. The motion was passed.
Sandra Erwin moved that Jack DeVore be elected Vice-Chairman for 2015. Tim McKenna seconded the motion. There were no other nominations. The motion was passed.
Jack DeVore moved that Sandra Erwin be elected Secretary for 2015. Bryan Baugh seconded the motion. There were no other nominations. The motion was passed.
Other Business
Chairman Baugh stated he had received a letter from the Fire Chief, John Gangway about two recent variance decisions by the Board. A copy of the letter was provided to each Board member. There was some general discussion concerning the two specific cases cited in the Chief’s letter. The Board members concluded their decision in these two cases considered firefighting concerns and that the situation was not made worse by their variance decision. Chairman Baugh requested Mr. Wehenkel sent a response to the Chief thanking him for his comments and informing him of the Board’s procedures related to public safety.
Mr. Wehenkel provided a copy of the Annual Report of the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission. It can be reviewed when it is convenient.
Mr. Wehenkel provided a handout depicting an issue on Channel Drive. The owner of the lot on one side of the road where their home exists also owns the vacant lot across the street. There are several accessory buildings on the vacant lots without principal buildings. Several of the accessory buildings were permitted prior to the mid 1980’s when the zoning regulations were changed to require a principal building on the lot in order to have an accessory building. A current home owner now wishes to build an accessory building on his vacant lot to store his boat. Mr. Wehenkel wanted clarification on the process to be used. A general discussion followed. The Board concluded that it should be considered an accessory building but be required to meet the setback standards for a principal building. Mr. Wehenkel stated the request would likely be on the February Board agenda.
Mr. Wehenkel advised the Board that he cannot be in attendance at the February meeting. Patty Cable, the Administrative Assistant in the office, has indicated her willingness to attend the meeting and take the minutes. Chairman Baugh thought that would be a good solution.
Mr. DeVore moved to adjourn the meeting. Sandra Erwin seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
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Bryan Baugh Sandra Erwin