Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees
Public Hearing
March 10, 2015
Chairman Gary Mortus called the Public Hearing to order on Tuesday, March 10, at
7:00 p.m. in the conference room of the administration building.
In attendance were Gary Mortus, Matt Montowski, William Rofkar, Karen Shaw,
George Wilber, and Diane Belden.
Gary Mortus explained application #668129 where as the owners, Robert and Judith Stewart, request a change in zoning from “A” to “R-2”. The proposed map amendment was initiated for parcels of land in Section 24 containing 0.3727 acres and adjoining parcel of land known as Lot #1 of Konker Heights Subdivision A in Catawba Island Township. The owners propose to rezone the property from the “A” Low Density Residential District to the “R-2” Residential District.
Gary Mortus read a letter from the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission. As noted the property is located at 1635 and 1665 North West Catawba Road and consists of two parcels each with a single family home located on them. The adjoining parcels to the east and west are single family homes zoned A. Peachton Subdivision to the north is zoned R-1. An approximately 14 acre parcel to the south is also zoned R-1.
The Catawba Island Township Land Use Plan recommends the area for medium density residential which includes the proposed R-2 zoning district.
The Ottawa Regional Planning Commission met on February 17 and recommended approval of the rezoning request in the letter submitted to the township.
Gary Mortus said the Catawba Island Zoning Commission met on February 25 and recommended approval of the request by unanimous vote as submitted to the township trustees.
George Wilber spoke on behalf of the applicants and asked for approval of the property being rezoned to be consistent with medium density zoning in the land use plan.
The Trustees discussed the request and agreed “R-2” is the appropriate classification.
Matt Montowski made a motion to approve the recommendation of the Zoning Commission as presented in application #668129. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
William Rofkar made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
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Gary Mortus, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer