Minutes: November 16th, 2016

NOVEMBER 16, 2016
Cheryl Schraidt
Philip Stively
Todd Bickley
Matt Montowski

Chairman Paul Shaw called the meeting of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission at 7:40 p.m. For the record, he identified the date was November 16, 2016.
He introduced himself, as well as the other Commission members, that included Jordan Davenport, Vice Chairman, Ron Wiseman and Stephen Lonneman. He also introduced Walter Wehenkel, Zoning Inspector & Zoning Commission Secretary.
Mr. Shaw welcomed those in attendance. He stated the Zoning Commission appreciated their interest. He advised those in attendance that debates/talking amongst themselves would not be permitted. He asked that those in attendance sign the register. He requested that any person wishing to speak be recognized by the chairperson and identify themselves by name and address for the record. He asked that all cell phones be turned off. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Mr. Shaw read a letter from Mark Messa of the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission stating that the proposed rezoning request submitted as “A” to “R-2” by Philip Stively should actually be “R-1” to “R-2” based upon the present zoning map. Mr. Shaw asked Mr. Stively to amend his rezoning request accordingly and initial the application. Mr. Stively agreed to do so.
Mr. Shaw suggested the following agenda for the meeting.
1) Consider application # 008742 from Philip Stively to rezone property in Section 3, Lot 5 at 3415 N. West Catawba Road from the R-1 Residential District to the R-2 Residential District.
2) Discuss the initiation of a comprehensive set of zoning text amendments, the process, and the time line.
3) The reading and approval of our last meeting minutes from September 28, 2016 meeting.
4) Any old business
5) Any new business
Mr. Shaw asked if there were any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. There were none. Jordan Davenport made a motion to approve the proposed agenda for the meeting. Ron Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion passed.
1) Agenda Item 1 – Mr. Shaw asked for a motion to consider application # 008742 from Philip Stively to rezone property in Section 3, Lot 5 at 3415 N. West Catawba Road from the R-1 Residential District to the R-2 Residential District.
Jordan Davenport so moved. His motion was seconded by Stephen Lonneman and the motion was passed. Mr. Shaw asked if any board member has a personal or professional conflict concerning the case. No one did.
Mr. Shaw noted that the legal description was quite lengthy so he was not going to read it in its entirety and stated copies could be obtained from the zoning office. He asked Walter Wehenkel if there was any correspondence from the public. Mr. Wehenkel stated he had not received any correspondence. Mr. Shaw requested Jordan Davenport read the letter of recommendation from the Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Davenport read the letter that recommended approval of the rezoning request.
Mr. Shaw asked who was present to address the rezoning request. Mr. Stively introduced himself. He stated he was looking at rezoning the lot to divide it into two lots. He had no additional comment. Mrs. Cheryl Schraidt asked what the difference was between the “R-1” and the “R-2” zoning districts. Mr. Wehenkel stated the “R-1” district requires 100 feet of lot width and 15,000 square feet of lot area. The requested “R-2” district has a smaller lot width of 80 feet and a smaller lot area of 11,000 square feet. Mr. Stively would have difficulty dividing the lot and meeting the “R-1” requirements. In addition, based upon the price of land, it would be more difficult to sell the whole piece versus two half pieces at a lower price per half.
Mr. Shaw requested any other questions. There were none. Mr. Shaw closed the hearing to the public. The Commission members shared their thoughts. Jordan Davenport stated he felt it was a logical adjustment as the “R-1” setbacks would be difficult to meet. In addition, the request conforms to the Land Use Plan. Steve Lonneman indicated he saw no issues with the request. He asked if the driveways would be off Karlite Drive. Mr. Stively stated he felt one would come off Karlite with the other possibly coming off the West road. Rom Wiseman asked if any construction was being considered by Mr. Stively. Mr. Stively stated the rezoning was for marketability reasons. Mr. Wiseman asked Mr. Stively if he was aware that a lot depth variance would be required. Mr. Stively said he was not, but would do whatever was required. Mr. Wehenkel stated a County lot depth variance as well as a township lot depth variance would be required.
Mr. Shaw requested a motion on application # 008742 from Philip Stively to rezone property in Section 3, Lot 5 at 3415 N. West Catawba Road from the R-1 Residential District to the R-2 Residential District, as amended. Jordan Davenport so moved. Stephen Lonneman seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, all Commission members voted yes.
Mr. Shaw noted the hearing by the Township Trustees would be held on December 13, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
Text Amendments
Mr. Shaw stated the second item on the agenda deals with text amendments and their initiation. A general discussion followed. It was decided that the zoning inspector would provide each member of the Commission a pdf version of the zoning resolution with the amendments in bold type prior to the November 29th meeting of the Commission. The Commission members should review the proposed text amendments prior to the meeting on the 29th. The public hearing for the text amendments would be scheduled for January 4, 2017 along with the reorganization meeting.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Shaw requested a motion to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2016 meeting as mailed. Jordan Davenport moved for their approval. Stephen Lonneman seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Old Business
Jordan Davenport asked if the PUD plans for the Kronberg property have been filed. Mr. Wehenkel stated they will likely be filed in either December or January. The second rezoning does not go into effect until November 26th so no plan can be processed until after that date. A general discussion followed.
New Business
Mr. Montowski introduced Todd Bickley to the Zoning Commission. Mr. Bickley will be the new zoning inspector as of November 22nd as Mr. Wehenkel is retiring. The Commission members welcomed Mr. Bickley and wished Mr. Wehenkel success in his retirement.

Stephen Lonneman moved to adjourn the meeting. His motion was seconded by Jordan Davenport. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Walter Wehenkel