Minutes: November 10th, 2021


NOVEMBER 10, 2021


James Stasa
Julie Nolfi
Lee Short
Ryan Dunlap
John Brewer

Chairman Bryan Baugh called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members in attendance included: Jack Zeigler, Sandra Erwin, Tim McKenna, Doug Blackburn and Alternate Brian Caldwell. Todd Bickley, Zoning Inspector and Matt Montowski, Trustee was also in attendance.

Chairman Baugh read through the meeting process. He asked if there were any questions concerning the procedure to be used. There were no questions.

New Business

Case #155294 Ryan & Amy Dunlap

Sandra Erwin read the case facts. The applicants are proposing to construct a garage (accessory building) on property located at 3248 N. Valley Drive, also known as Part of Lot 22 of Forest Park Estates Subdivision. The applicants are requesting an area variance to exceed the accessory building height requirement from fifteen feet (15’) to twenty-four feet (24’). The property is zoned “R-1” Residential District.

No board member had a conflict.

Lee Short and Ryan Dunlap were sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Short submitted two letters of support from adjoining property owners. Mr. Short indicated that the applicants recently purchased the property. With the construction of the new garage, the two (2) existing sheds will be eliminated. Mr. Dunlap indicated that the intent is to install a new driveway. Mr. Short noted that the building will be a 2½ car garage and be 1½ story in height. The garage will be placed where the existing shed is located and it will line up with the house. Mr. Short presented a drawing for Board review. Mr. Short also noted that the upstairs will be used for storage and children’s play area, it will not be a sleeping area.

Chairman Baugh questioned the garage height versus the house height. Mr. Short commented that it would probably be lower than the house. Mr. Short noted that the garage floor will be about five feet (5’) lower than the house floor.

Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Finding of Fact was reviewed by the Board. The Board agreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 vote on all seven (7) Items.

Tim McKenna made a motion to approve Case #155294 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Sandra Erwin. Motion passed with all Board members voting in the affirmative. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Case #155300 John & Celenea Brewer

Secretary Sandra Erwin read the case facts. The applicants propose to construct a roof extension off the front of the house and are requesting an area variance to reduce the front yard setback from twenty-five feet (25’) to seven feet (7’) and exceed the lot coverage requirement from thirty-six percent (36%) to 37.7%. The location is 3104 Dorothy Drive, and is also known as Lot 11 of Lemmerman Meadows Subdivision. The property is zoned “R-3” Residential District.

No board member had a conflict.

Lee Short and John Brewer were sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Short submitted six (6) letters of support from adjoining property owners. Two (2) of the letters were verbal. Mr. Short noted that the request is for the front yard. Normally roof extensions over patios are in the rear yard; however, the rear yards in Lemmerman Meadows Subdivision are small, approximately ten (10) to twelve (12) feet in distance. The location of the roofed extension is the “party” location for the neighborhood, with neighbors gathering in the front yard. A fire pit is situated in this area. The roof extension will be tied to the existing house. The setback will be seven feet (7’) from the road right-of-way line; however, Dorothy Drive is a fifty (50) foot right-of-way and the road pavement is ten feet (10’) wide. So, the extension will be more than seven feet (7’) off the road pavement. Mr. Short presented a drawing for the Board to review.

Jack Zeigler questioned the roof line. Mr. Short indicated that the extension will match and meet with the existing house with an off-set gable.

Tim McKenna questioned if the area will be enclosed. Mr. Short indicated that the roofed extension will be completely open.

Mr. Short noted that the request is for the front yard which would make the request substantial.

Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Finding of Fact was reviewed by the Board. The Board agreed with the applicant on Items 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 by a 5 – 0 vote; agreed with the applicant on Item 6 by a 4 – 1 vote; and disagreed with the applicant by 3-2 vote on Item 3.

Doug Blackburn made a motion to approve Case #155300 with the condition that the roofed extension area will not be enclosed. The motion was seconded by Tim McKenna. By a 3 – 1 vote, the Board approved the motion. Jack Zeigler voted against the motion. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Case #155302 James Stasa

Secretary Sandra Erwin read the case facts. The applicant is requesting an area variance for steps off of the front of the house. The variance request is for the reduction of the front yard setback from thirty-five feet (35’) to sixteen feet (16’) and the reduction of the side yard setback from ten feet (10’) to 4.5 feet. The property is located at 2814 E. Sand Road and is also known as Lots 94 & 95 of Byrneal Beach Subdivision. The property is zoned “R-3” Residential District.

No board member had a conflict.

James Stasa was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Stasa apologized to the Board for not obtaining a zoning permit and variance approval prior to completing the steps. Mr. Stasa indicated that the existing step structure was starting to collapse and the new steps will provide a safe and easy entry to the front of the house. Mr. Stasa noted that the during the winter months, the back access does not get plowed and as a result, the front steps will be used. The deck and steps were rotted and the new location resulted in the steps being further away from the road.

Chairman Baugh questioned the existing steps. Mr. Stasa indicated that the existing steps will be removed. Chairman Baugh noted that the photos are of the other steps along Sand Road in this area. Mr. Stasa indicated that was correct. Chairman Baugh questioned if the neighbor to the south had any issues with the steps placement. Mr. Stasa indicated that they were okay with the improvement. Mr. Stasa noted that the old bushes along the property line were removed and a new fence was installed. The south neighbor appreciates the privacy that is provided by the fence.

Doug Blackburn questioned why the steps are further off the house. Mr. Stasa indicated that the previous steps were too steep and the replacement steps are to code.

Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Finding of Fact was reviewed by the Board. The Board disagreed with the applicant by a 3 – 2 vote on Item 1 and agreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 vote on the remaining Items.

Tim McKenna made a motion to approve Case #155302. The motion was seconded by Jack Zeigler and the motion passed with all Board members voting in the affirmative. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Old Business

Case #155221 Chad & Mary Gunerra

Todd Bickley informed the Board that he had a conversation with Chad Gunerra and that Mr. Gunerra verbally indicated that he was withdrawing Case #155221. Mr. Gunerra commented that he had acquired the adjacent lot and new house plans would be drawn.

Doug Blackburn made a motion to remove Case #155221 from the table. The motion was seconded by Tim McKenna. Motion passed.

Tim McKenna made a motion to accept the verbal withdrawal of Case #155221. The motion was seconded by Sandra Erwin. Motion passed.

Approval of Minutes – October 13, 2021

The meeting minutes from the October 13, 2021 meeting was mailed to each member. Tim McKenna moved to approve the October 13, 2021 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded Jack Zeigler. Motion passed.

Other Business

Trustee Matt Montowski questioned if the Board would like to participate in a training session. The Board indicated that they were in favor of training and late March was determined to be an acceptable time to schedule. Discussion items were considered.

Sandra Erwin questioned the bike path status. Trustee Montowski indicated that the Ottawa County Park Board District is considering several projects with State Route 53 north of Schoolhouse Road being a consideration. The trustees have not received any plans. Discussion continued.


Sandra Erwin moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Tim McKenna. The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________ _________________________________
Bryan Baugh, Chairman Sandra Erwin, Secretary