Minutes: February 22nd, 2022

Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees

Meeting Minutes

February 22, 2022

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman William Rofkar on Tuesday, February 22, at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room of the administration building.

In attendance were: Diane Belden, William Rofkar, Matt Montowski, Karen Shaw,
John Gangway, Kevin Johnson, Dan Barlow, Bryan Baugh, Jack Madison, Vicki Wheatley,
Tanya Frost, Heidi Cline, David Howell, John Keefe, Ken Bogard, John Woods, Mark Worley, Wendy Worley, Judy Indorf, Quintin Smith, and Randy Riedmaier.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Diane Belden made a motion to approve the February 8, 2022 Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as presented. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the payroll, in the amount of $78,176.18. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


A letter from David Wonnell requesting use of the Community Hall for the Catawba Island Historical Society Spring Speaker event on Wednesday, June 8.

Trustees agreed CIHS could use the Community Hall as requested and waived the rental fee.

A letter from the Ottawa County Health Department regarding the District Advisory Council meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 10, at 6:00 p.m.

William Rofkar said he will attend the District Advisory Council meeting.

A letter from Frank Harmon of Ohio Insurance Services Agency, Inc. regarding the May 1 renewal.

A letter from Ron Lajti regarding the Ottawa County Township Association meeting being hosted by the Ottawa County Engineer’s Office on April 12 at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds.

A letter from the Ottawa County Board of Elections regarding the General Election to be held Tuesday, May 3, and expressing appreciation for continued support in facilitating a suitable election day polling location at the Community Hall.

The 2021 Annual Report from Lake Erie Shores and Islands.

The Ottawa County Municipal Court Annual Report for 2021.

The 2021 Annual Report from Joyful Connections.


Diane Belden said she attended a recent fire department business meeting and members expressed concern about House Bill 172 that will take effect July 1, allowing consumer grade fireworks on private property on certain holidays. She asked the board to consider voting to opt out of allowing commercial grade fireworks on private property in the township.


Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Johnson said Lake Erie Tree Service began grinding mulch at the compost facility.

Kevin Johnson said the maintenance crew will work to clean up the cemetery when they get a break in the weather.

Trustees agreed Kevin Johnson could get quotes for a box blade for the front end loader to help with snow removal in the cemetery and parking lots.


Police Chief John Gangway said the 2013 Ford Explorer is ready to be sold.

Matt Montowski made a motion to auction the surplus 2013 Ford Explorer Police Utility on GovDeals.com. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


Matt Montowski said there were four zoning permits issued in January with a total of $554.30 collected in fees.

Matt Montowski said there will be training for members of both zoning boards on March 23. Trustees approved pizza and pop for the training.

Trustees signed a letter of appreciation for Tim McKenna for his years of service on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Tim McKenna will be moving from the area and has resigned his position.

Matt Montowski discussed House Bill 563 that has been proposed and would allow short term rentals in the township.

William Rofkar said the proposed bill goes against Catawba Island Township zoning and he would like the Trustees to write a letter expressing opposition.

Diane Belden agreed she opposes HB 563.


Catawba Island Township Parks Board member Jack Madison presented a quote from Davenport Sign & Art for multiple signage panels to be installed on the Cedar Meadow Nature Preserve kiosk.

William Rofkar said an expense of $1,000 to Carter Lumber was previously approved for lumber and materials needed to build the kiosk framework, but he thinks the cost may run slightly over.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve the purchase of twenty signage panels (ten each on front and back) for a total of $2,860 from Davenport Sign & Art to be installed on the Cedar Meadow Nature Preserve kiosk. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Jack Madison said he attended the Ohio Parks and Recreation Conference and Trade Show at Kalahari Convention Center and attended a Dog Park seminar. He said the Parks Board is still looking into the possibility of a Dog Park in the township.

Representing the Ottawa County Parks Board, Jack Madison provided Trustees with a fact sheet for the proposed Catawba Islander Trail and Greenway.

Old Business

Ken Bogard said he previously attended a Trustees meeting and expressed his objection to trail routes going through his neighborhood. He read a follow-up statement again expressing opposition to the plan to route a trail connection through North Haven Lane.

David Howell said he is concerned that not everyone is being communicated to at the same time with the same information.

Ottawa County Parks Board members said their meetings are advertised, open to the public, and posted on their website.

A lengthy discussion took place.

William Rofkar encouraged Ottawa County Parks Board members to invite community members to their meetings and said the proposed trail is not a project initiated by the Trustees.

New Business

Matt Montowski said he recently attended the Ottawa County Emergency Management meeting and briefly discussed the Hazardous Mitigation Grant Program.

Diane Belden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Matt Montowski seconded the motion.
All voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

___________________________ _____________________________
William Rofkar, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer