Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees
Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2022
The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman William Rofkar on Tuesday, March 22, at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room of the administration building.
In attendance were: Diane Belden, William Rofkar, Matt Montowski, Karen Shaw, John Gangway, Kevin Johnson, Dan Barlow, Jack Madison, Vicki Wheatley, Skip Sorgen, Connie Roe, Heidi Cline, John Woods, Bryan Baugh, Jack DeVore, and Randy Riedmaier.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
Matt Montowski made a motion to approve the March 8, 2022, Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as presented. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Diane Belden made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the payroll, in the amount of $125,402.82. Included in the total is a payment of $38,309.69 to Wellington Implement for a new Case Tractor with front loader and 72” quick attach bucket and a payment of $14,500 to Lake Erie Tree Service for mulch grinding at the compost facility. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
A letter from Robert Christiansen requesting use of the Community Hall in May for a family event.
Trustees agreed Robert Christiansen could use the Community Hall and waived the rental fee.
A letter from Jannah Wilson, Park District of Ottawa County Executive Director, requesting use of the Community Hall on April 19 and May 17 to hold public meetings.
Trustees agreed the Park District of Ottawa County could use the Community Hall to hold two public meetings as requested and waived the rental fee.
A Resolution from American Legion Post #113 of Port Clinton requesting a donation for decorating graves, conducting Memorial Services, and properly observing Memorial Day within the township.
Diane Belden made a motion to approve a donation in the amount of $200 to American Legion Post #113 of Port Clinton for observing Memorial Day at Catawba Island Cemetery. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
A notice from the Department of Commerce, Division of Liquor Control, that all permits to sell alcoholic beverages in the township will expire on July 1, 2022 and in order to maintain permit privileges, every permit holder must file a renewal application. Ohio Revised Code provides legislative authority with the right to object to the renewal of a permit and to request a hearing.
Trustees agreed they had no concerns at this time and no need to request a hearing.
A memo from the Ottawa County Engineer’s Office regarding highway department working hours.
Fiscal Officer Karen Shaw said the township received the first half Real Estate Property Tax Settlement in March with a net distribution of $1,101,980.44.
Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Johnson said the new tractor was delivered.
Kevin Johnson said while working at the fire station it was discovered the radiant heater venting needs replaced and he presented a proposal from Gundlach.
Matt Montowski made a motion to contract with Gundlach to replace the radiant heater venting at the fire station for the sum of $2,700. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Matt Montowski made a motion to contract with Bill’s Implement for the Mower Lease Trade In program for a total of $7,883 for two mowers; a 48” mower for the cemetery and a 61” mower for use at other township locations. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
William Rofkar made a motion to pass a Resolution to participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Road Salt Contracts Awarded in 2022 for the 2022-2023 winter season and request 250 tons of salt. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Police Chief John Gangway said the new desk top commuter will be in place later in the week.
John Gangway said ballistic vests need to be replaced every five years and two department vests are in need of replacement. John Gangway said once purchased he can apply for the Department of Justice grant and likely receive 50% back for the purchase.
Matt Montowski made a motion to purchase two ballistic vests for the police department from Superior Uniform for a total of $2,303.98. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Diane Belden said Louis Wargo would like to attend the Fire Department Instructors Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana April 27 through 29 and asked if Trustees would consider reimbursing him for travel expenses like mileage, hotel, parking, meals, and tuition for the classes.
Diane Belden made a motion to reimburse Louis Wargo for travel expenses related to FDIC not to exceed $1,500. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
New Business
After further consideration, Trustees decided not to apply for the grant opportunity available through the Ohio Emergency Management Agency (EMA) for a storm shelter as previously discussed. Matt Montowski said he will look further into the possibility of retrofitting the Community Hall if Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds are available in the future.
William Rofkar said the surplus 2013 Ford Explorer police utility sold on GovDeals for $6,100 and has been picked up.
Skip Sorgen asked the Trustees to consider an enhancement to the cemetery in the form of a memorial wall. He said there are ground spaces with monuments and a columbarium for interment of cremations but there is no place for plaques in memory of loved ones who are not interred in the cemetery. He asked Trustees to consider a remembrance type wall or various wall sections for the installation of bronze plaques.
Trustees said they liked the idea and agreed to look into matter further.
Connie Roe, Director, spoke on behalf of the Ottawa County Family Advocacy Center that has provided the summer lunch program for a number of years throughout Ottawa County. She said the Omnibus Appropriations bill passed recently by Congress does not include a provision to extend the USDA’s authority to issue nationwide child nutrition waivers. For this reason, Connie Roe is asking for donations to continue the lunch program which in the summer of 2021 was $216,250. She said they hope to raise $100,000 for the summer lunch program in Ottawa County.
Diane Belden agreed to pursue the matter further and make a recommendation at a future meeting.
Bryan Baugh asked for an update on the proposed improvements to be made at the West Harbor Boat Launch facility.
William Rofkar said he has a meeting tomorrow but he does not anticipate building activity until next summer. He said they are looking at a concrete block building insulated for year round use and moved further west in order to eliminate flooding issues in addition to new docks and lighting etc.
Jack Madison said the Park Board of Ottawa County has a grant opportunity available and the Catawba Island Parks Board would like to apply for $30,000 plus request a match of $5,000 from the township in order to install a limestone trail approximately 1,300 feet in length through the Cedar Meadow Preserve because the trails are often muddy.
Trustees agreed the Park Board can apply for the grant and the township would contribute $5,000 toward the project if the grant was approved.
Trustees agreed they are not interested in pursuing a township dog park at this time.
Diane Belden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Matt Montowski seconded the motion.
All voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
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William Rofkar, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer