Minutes: April 13th, 2022


APRIL 13, 2022


Susan Rogers John Rogers
Michael Wellman David Perkowski
Wood Holbrook Alan Mandeville
Linda Mandeville Greg Duplin

Chairman Bryan Baugh called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members in attendance included: Doug Blackburn, Jack Zeigler, Sandra Erwin and Alternates Brian Caldwell and Flint Heidlebaugh. Todd Bickley, Zoning Inspector and Matt Montowski, Trustee was also in attendance.

Chairman Baugh read through the meeting process. He asked if there were any questions concerning the procedure to be used. There were none.

New Business

Case #155366 Alan & Linda Mandeville

Secretary Sandra Erwin read the case facts. The applicants propose the addition of a four season room and they are requesting an area variance to reduce the rear yard setback from thirty-five feet (35’) to 32.9 feet. The location is 4363 Ledge, also known as Lot 303 and easterly triangle of Lot 304 of Catawba Cliffs Subdivision. The property is zoned “R-1” Residential District.

No Board member had a conflict.

Alan Mandeville was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Mandeville informed the board that the backyard concrete patio will be replaced with an all-season sun room. The area of the concrete patio will not be enlarged and the sun room will extend to the back of the garage.

Chairman Baugh questioned footers. Mr. Mandeville indicated that footers will be installed.

Doug Blackburn questioned whether steps will be needed. Mr. Mandeville commented that the pad will stay and that steps will not be required.

With no further questions or comments, Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Board reviewed the Finding of Fact. The Board agreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 vote on items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 and disagreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 vote on item 6.

Doug Blackburn made a motion to approve Case #155366 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Sandra Erwin. Motion passed with all members voting in the affirmative. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Case #155367 Gregory Duplin

Secretary Sandra Erwin read the case facts. The applicant has enclosed an existing carport and installed an unenclosed carport. The applicant is requesting an area variance to reduce the side yard setback from five feet (5’) to two feet (2’), reduce the rear yard setback (off of Anchor Lane) from thirty-five feet (35’) to two feet (2’), and exceed the lot coverage requirement of thirty-nine percent (39%) to forty-six percent (46%). The property is zoned “R-4” Residential District.

No Board member had a conflict.

Gregory Duplin was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Duplin noted that his family has grown and that he had a discussion with the previous zoning inspector Pat Cerny concerning enclosing the carport. Mr. Duplin indicated that there was a need for two (2) more bedrooms and a bathroom and that the construction was completed this past winter. Mr. Duplin was told by the compliance committee that he needed to contact the zoning inspector. The variance request includes side and rear yard reductions and to exceed the lot coverage. Mr. Duplin apologized for not getting the approvals before starting the work.

Chairman Baugh questioned if the carport was on the south side and whether it was enlarged. Mr. Duplin indicated that the carport is on the south side and the carport is 43’ by 11’. Chairman Baugh questioned if the open carport is new. Mr. Duplin commented that the open carport is new.

Wood Holbrook was sworn in by Chairman Baugh and questioned if the compliance committee has approved the work. Mr. Holbrook indicated that the committee has approved the enclosure and the new open carport, but Mr. Holbrook expressed disappointment that the paperwork was not submitted prior to the work.

Mr. Blackburn questioned if the carport will remain open. Mr. Duplin noted that he has no plan to enclose it.

Jack Zeigler commented that the corner of the open carport extends approximately two feet (2’) beyond the house.

With no additional comments or questions, Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Board reviewed the Finding of Fact. The Board agreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 vote on items 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7; agreed with the applicant by a 3 – 2 vote on item 4; and disagreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 vote on item 2.

Jack Zeigler made a motion to approve Case #155367 with the condition that the open carport cannot be enclosed. The motion was seconded by Brian Caldwell. Motion passed with all Board members voting in the affirmative. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Old Business

Case #155342 2766 E. Sand Road, LLC (David & Karen Perkowski

Secretary Sandra Erwin excused herself from Case #155342.

Doug Blackburn made a motion to remove from the table Case #155342. The motion was seconded by Jack Zeigler. Motion passed.

Secretary Sandra Erwin read the case facts. The applicants proposed to remove the existing front yard deck and rebuild a new deck, which would include a second floor deck. They are requesting an area variance to reduce the front yard setback from thirty-five feet (35’) to thirteen – eighteen feet (13’ – 18’). The location is 2766 E. Sand Road and the property is zoned “R-2”.

No other board member had a conflict.

Chairman Baugh questioned the action taken last month. Todd Bickley indicated that the first motion denied the variance request, which was followed by a second motion that rescinded the original motion and tabled the application. With the application removed from the table, the Board can consider alternatives and conduct another Finding of Fact.

Michael Wellman, Architect and David Perkowski were sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Wellman noted that the Board had concerns with the sight line with the driveway adjacent to the property. To address this situation, Mr. Wellman submitted an alternate proposal which would have the first floor deck stay within its current location and the second floor deck would extend two feet (2’) beyond the first floor deck. With the alternate proposal, the sight distance should not be impacted and the applicant will remove the planting bed. If necessary, the tree will be removed.

Chairman Baugh questioned the flag locations. Mr. Perkowski indicated that the flags were still in their original locations and did not reflect the alternate proposal. Mr. Perkowski commented that the dimensions of the lower deck would not be changed.

Chairman Baugh noted that he visited the site and verified that the sight line will be clear and not impacted with the improvement.

Mr. Bickley noted that Chief Gangway indicated that in the last five (5) years there have been no accidents within 600 feet of the intersection. Also, maintenance would have no issue concerning snow removal.

John Rogers was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Rogers noted that accidents have occurred, such as a car running into a fence.

Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Board reviewed the Finding of Fact. The Board agreed with the applicant by a 4 – 0 vote on items 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 and disagreed with the applicant by a 4 – 0 vote on items 2 and 6.

Brian Caldwell made a motion to approve the alternate proposal for the deck replacement as prepared by MELDARCHITECTS and dated 3/11/22 for Case #155342. The motion was second by Doug Blackburn. Motion passed with all members voting in the affirmative. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Approval of Minutes – March 9, 2022

The meeting minutes from the March 9, 2022 meeting was mailed to each member. Doug Blackburn moved to approve the March 9, 2022 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded Brian Caldwell. Motion passed. Secretary Sandra Erwin abstained.

Other Business

Trustee Matt Montowski reported that the House Bill regulating short term rentals made it through the House, but it is now stalled. NW Catawba Road is being resurfaced and State Route 53 and the existing bike path will be repaved later this year. Trustee Montowski also noted a study that ranked Ottawa County as the #1 county in the State of Ohio to retire to.


Brian Caldwell moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded Doug Blackburn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________ _________________________________
Bryan Baugh, Chairman Sandra Erwin, Secretary