Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees
Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2022
The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman William Rofkar on Tuesday, April 26, at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room of the administration building.
In attendance were: Diane Belden, William Rofkar, Matt Montowski, Karen Shaw, Kevin Johnson, Ernie Wylie, Dan Barlow, Reggie Langford, Jack Madison, William Baker, Dorothy Baker,
David Belden, John Woods, Keith Deters, Greg Rosenthal, Nancy Oreskovich, and Randy Riedmaier.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
Diane Belden made a motion to approve the April 12, 2022, Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as presented. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Matt Montowski made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the last payroll, in the amount of $70,935.66. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
A letter from Joseph Nystrom stating he is not happy with the way he has been treated by members of the Catawba Island Police Department on several instances relating to the 15 police reports filed on him by local citizens and requests Trustees look into the numerous situations.
An invitation to the 2022 Police Memorial Day Ceremony on Thursday, May 12, at Catawba Island Club and hosted by the Catawba Island Township Police Department.
A letter from the Ottawa County Board of Elections regarding the potential for an additional election on Tuesday, August 2, and requesting the Community Hall be available for use if needed.
Karen Shaw confirmed the Community Hall is available and is reserved if needed for an election.
A letter from The Ohio Plan regarding the annual Member Services and Information Packet presented and a member’s only portal which offers resources, services, and programs that can assist in a wide variety of areas and is included as part of the township’s membership.
A letter from Wayne Burdge, a local volunteer contacting businesses in the area to thank them for serving the community.
An email from Don Schrock expressing his concern with how close together the recycling containers are placed and his desire for them to be spaced further apart for better access to the side doors.
Matt Montowski said he would mention it the hauler but he does not want to complain to the Ottawa County Solid Waste District because it is a free service they provide to the township.
Diane Belden said she will meet with Kent Johnson of Port Clinton EMS on May 9 to discuss the contract renewal.
Diane Belden said the police chief informed her that a resident in the Cliffs called to compliment the department because Officer Austin Troike was on patrol in the area on Easter Sunday and saw children playing and he stopped to talk and pass out stickers.
Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Johnson said the spring clean up is scheduled for the Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30. He said they would like to get the sign at the compost facility replaced.
Kevin Johnson said the tires on the dump truck need to be replaced and he will get prices.
Matt Montowski said the zoning inspector received a complaint about a political sign on a garage.
William Rofkar said the township previously received an opinion from the county prosecutor and political signs are considered freedom of speech and the township cannot regulate political signs.
Matt Montowski said Trustees received an invite from Tony Corona to the groundbreaking ceremony Thursday at Fairway Cottages at Catawba Island Club.
Diane Belden agreed to attend on behalf of the Township Trustees.
Parks Board
Jack Madison gave a brief update on Parks Board matters relating to the implementation of a community garden and a change in location for the proposed pickleball courts at Heigel Park. He said consideration is for the pickleball courts to be installed parallel to the shuffleboard courts rather than the existing tennis courts as previously discussed.
Greg Rosenthal and Keith Deters expressed support for the construction of pickleball courts at Heigel Park as they are part of a larger group that travels to Osborne Park in Huron to play.
Old Business
William Rofkar addressed the request from a gentleman last week to donate six spaces back to the township to then be given to a family in need. William Rofkar said he does not think it is a good idea to give away spaces not being used because the sale of spaces helps to pay for the maintenance of the cemetery. He said individuals are not allowed to sell cemetery spaces to anyone else but they can give permission to individuals to be buried in their spaces. William Rofkar said we allow individuals to sell unused spaces back to the township for the price that was paid or they can donate the spaces back to the township for resale. He said the township is responsible for indigent burials as needed.
Diane Belden said she followed up with the Ottawa County Commissioners regarding the Family Advocacy request for a donation for the summer lunch program. She said the commissioners have sent letters to local officials in hopes the federal government will help but the commissioners are using their Covid money in a different direction. Diane Belden said the commissioners have not ruled out making a donation but they are waiting for a response at this time. She said 100 children in the Port Clinton area use the program with some being from Catawba. Diane Belden said she would not be opposed to making a one-time donation to help with the program this summer.
Matt Montowski said he reached out to the property owner regarding a recent complaint of numerous cats in and around his property. The property owner responded and agreed to take care of the matter.
William Rofkar said as previously discussed Trustees have the ability to opt out of HB 172. He said the new fireworks legislation does not become effective until July 1, and he would like to schedule a special meeting on July 1, at 9:00 a.m. to vote on the matter. William Rofkar said that will give members of the community time to come forward and share their opinion. He said it is the intent of the Trustees to pass a Resolution banning the discharge and explosion of consumer grade fireworks as it pertains to Ohio Revised Code 3743 and as recommended by township police and fire departments.
New Business
A brief discussion took place regarding the township Employment Policies Manual.
Matt Montowski made a motion to update the Employment Policies Manual as discussed including the addition of Juneteenth as a paid holiday for full time employees (page 19) and the revision of Section 8 Family and Medical Leave (page 24). Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
William Rofkar moved for the adoption of a Resolution authorizing Expenditure from American Rescue Plan Act Funds. The Township elects to use the standard allowance and its presumption of revenue loss due to the public health emergency and to use the amount authorized to fund government services. The projects are hereby authorized and shall be paid from the ARPA Funds in an amount not to exceed $369,666.49. The Projects described serve the objectives of the Act by providing services traditionally provided by a government, namely:
o Police Protection
o Fire and Emergency Medical Services
o Road repair, maintenance and other transportation and safety services
o Public infrastructure support
o General government administration and administrative facilities
o Land use regulations and enforcement
o Parks and recreational facilities and programs
o Other
Accordingly, the projects are in the best interests of the Township and are deemed a priority for
the community. No obligations paid under the authority of this Resolution were incurred prior to March 3, 2021. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
A lengthy discussion with those in attendance followed relating to some of the specific projects in which Trustees intend to use ARP funding including the construction of pickleball courts and other possible uses for the funding.
Diane Belden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Matt Montowski seconded the motion.
All voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
___________________________ _____________________________
William Rofkar, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer