Minutes: May 10th, 2022

Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees

Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2022

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman William Rofkar on Tuesday, May 10, at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room of the administration building.

In attendance were: William Rofkar, Matt Montowski, Karen Shaw, John Gangway, Kevin Johnson, Ernie Wylie, Dan Barlow, Brad Schwan, Ann Rumpf, William Baker, Dorothy Baker, John Woods, Chuck Gaskey, Skip Sorgen, Bryan Baugh, Michael Hablitzel, Randy Riedmaier, and Jack DeVore.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve the April 26, 2022, Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as presented. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the last payroll, in the amount of $46,493.56. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


A letter from Catawba Security regarding the alarm monitoring service upgrade requirement and quote.

Trustees agreed the service upgrade is necessary and approved the upgrade quote for $349.95.

A letter from Melissa Vollmar, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, acknowledging receipt of the 2021 Compost Facility Annual Report and that the Ohio EPA found the report to be complete with no deficiencies noted.

An email from the Ottawa County Engineer’s Office notifying townships of an eight week lead time for concrete pipe if needed.

An email from the Joint Solid Waste Management District regarding the 2022 Township Tire Recycling Event on Wednesday, June 15.

A letter from the Ottawa County Sanitary Engineer regarding the annual backflow assembly test report due by July 8, from various township locations.


Fiscal Officer Karen Shaw presented the April 2022 financial reports and bank reconciliation. There were no questions or concerns.

Trustees requested Karen Shaw hold the payment to Louis Wargo for FDIC tuition reimbursement in the amount of $639 until appropriate supporting documentation is obtained.

Trustees approved a request from Craig and Valerie Rosiar to sell back one cemetery space for the non-resident price paid in 2018 of $500.

Trustees approved a request from Paul and Yvonne Leidorf to sell back four cemetery spaces for the price paid in 1999 of $225 each or $900 total.


Police Chief John Gangway said the Police Memorial is scheduled for Thursday, May 12, at CIC.


Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Johnson said they have been working at the chapel to make a few minor repairs. He also said the spring clean up went well and they had a steady line of cars dropping off items at the day and a half event.


William Rofkar said Catawba Island Volunteer Fire Department members responded to four fire calls and 22 EMS runs for a total of 26 calls responded to in April.

Willian Rofkar said Tom Letterhos was recently recognized for his 50 years of service with the Catawba Island Volunteer Fire Department and presented a gift from department members as well as a letter from the Ohio State Fire Marshal. In addition, William Rofkar said the following CIVFD service anniversaries were recently recognized:

Dan Blakely 5 Years
Eric Schramm 10 Years
Brad Busby 10 Years
David Anthony 15 Years
Kevin Gibbons 25 Years
Bob Christiansen 30 Years

William Rofkar said Township Trustees also signed a letter recognizing and thanking Tom Letterhos for his many years of service.

Matt Montowski made a motion to purchase repair part, Akron brass butterfly body, for Engine 222 from Atlantic Emergency Solutions not to exceed $3,000 per provided quote. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve CIVFD member Chris Boyd for the Volunteer Firefighter class through Vanguard at a cost of $500 plus mileage reimbursement. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

William Rofkar said that Diane Belden reported that the fire department would like to look into grant money the governor just released relating to volunteer fire departments.


Matt Montowski said there were 18 zoning permits issued in April, two variances, and one map amendment for a total of $2,257.84 collected in fees.

Parks Board

Brad Schwan said the Parks Board will present a speaker event at the Community Hall on Wednesday, May 18, at 7 p.m. He said Reggie Langford and Geno Barna will offer residents advice on how to handle nuisance animals on their property.

William Rofkar said he recently walked the Cedar Meadow Preserve with a representative from the Black Swamp Conservancy for their annual review of the property.

Old Business

William Rofkar reported that Diane Belden said she reviewed the police video with regard to the letter received at the last meeting and she found it to be an unfounded complaint.

Matt Montowski said he forwarded the concern regarding spacing between the recycling containers to Jim Darr of the Solid Waste District and he agreed to forward the concern on to the driver.

William Rofkar said as previously discussed Trustees have the ability to opt out of HB 172. He said the new fireworks legislation does not become effective until July 1, and the Trustees will hold a special meeting on July 1, at 9:00 a.m. to vote on the matter. He said it is the intent of the Trustees to pass a Resolution banning the discharge and explosion of consumer grade fireworks as it pertains to Ohio Revised Code 3743 and as recommended by township police and fire departments.

New Business

William Rofkar said he submitted a draft of the bid documents for the West Harbor Boat Launch project to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for review. He said the design includes a new restroom building with utility room, floating docks, and parking lot lighting.

Matt Montowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting. William Rofkar seconded the motion.
All voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

___________________________ _____________________________
William Rofkar, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer