Minutes: September 28th, 2022

SEPTEMBER 28, 2022
Quintin Smith
Lindi Finke
Todd Finke

Members of the Commission in attendance were Chairperson Jordan Davenport, Paul Shaw, Lewis Mindlin, Dr. Gregory Hart, and Alternates Matt Gottron and Bill Barnes. Also in attendance were Todd Bickley, Zoning Inspector and Matt Montowski, Trustee.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Chairperson Davenport called the meeting of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. For the record, he identified the date as September 28, 2022. The Zoning Commission procedure was reviewed by Chairperson Davenport.
Chairperson Davenport reviewed the agenda.
Agenda Item 1 – Request for a Zoning Amendment
Case #157858 Quinmon, LLC & Quinstock Farms “R-E” & “R-1” to “C-1” & “C-2”
Chairperson Davenport noted that the application is a request to rezone five (5) lots in L. C. Heights Allotment 1 and 2. One (1) lot is requested to become “C-1” Neighborhood Business District and the other four (4) lots to become “C-2” General Commercial District as specified in the application.
Chairperson Davenport questioned if case #157858 was correct. Mr. Bickley indicated the case number was correct. Chairman Davenport questioned if the legal description was attached. Mr. Bickley noted that the legal description was attached. Mr. Bickley commented that correspondence was not received.
Paul Shaw read the letter from Mark Messa, Director of the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission.
Chairperson Davenport recognized the applicant Quintin Smith. Mr. Smith distributed a handout to the Board and members of the audience. Mr. Smith noted that when he bought Mon Ami, the previous owner had approval for an eighty (80) unit condominium development, which is highlighted on the first page of the handout. In 2019 Mr. Smith presented an alternative plan, which was to bring back the winery, open spaces and vineyards, and to abandon the PUD. The alternative plan is referenced on the second page of the handout.
The third page of the handout shows the parcels to be rezoned and the adjacent existing zoning. Mr. Smith indicated that the purpose of the “C-1” District is to allow for an outdoor market and create an area similar to a town square. Mr. Smith would like to extend the holiday season. The fourth page of the handout shows pictures of an outdoor market during the holiday season, which would be considered off-season.
The fifth page reflects the layout of Gideon Owens and the proposed location of several little greenhouses containing local vendors. The greenhouses would be located on the property to be rezoned to “C-1” along the pathway. During the summer, the greenhouses would be relocated in the woods, which would provide shade. Mr. Smith is considering three (3) or four (4) vendors.
The final page identified the intended uses for the lots to be rezoned to the “C-2” District. Mr. Smith indicated that property would be used for additional parking, the ability to move the bridal suite building, and the future winery expansion activity.
Chairperson Davenport recognized Todd Finke. Mr. Finke was concerned with Lot 2 going to the “C-1” District. Mr. Finke showed the Board his house location. Mr. Finke questioned how the glass houses will be supplied. Mr. Finke was concerned that the driveway off NW Catawba would be used. Mr. Smith indicated that the driveway off NW Catawba would not be used and that the vendors would enter from the back.
Mr. Finke noted that there is plenty of foliage along the property line that acts as a buffer. Mr. Finke commented that there have not been a lot of instruments on the bandstand. Chairperson Davenport indicated that a twenty (20) foot setback was required for the condo project. Mr. Smith noted that the width of the greenhouse is about ten (10) feet and that the greenhouses would be at least fifty (50) feet from the property line. Mr. Finke questioned how many glasshouses will be along the road. Mr. Smith indicated around four (4) or five (5) and seven (7) in the farm market area. Mr. Finke questioned the fall schedule. Mr. Smith commented that the holiday season would start around November 15th and continue through the first of the year. Mr. Finke questioned the time frame. Mr. Smith noted that the hours would be from noon to six (6) or seven (7). Mr. Finke questioned if electricity would be provided to the glass houses when in the woods. Mr. Smith indicated that electricity would be provided and Mr. Finke questioned if it would be provided overhead or underground. Mr. Smith noted that a silent generator was possible; however, electricity may not be needed if shut down prior to sunset.
Chairperson Davenport closed discussion from the floor.
Lewis Mindlin commented that the PUD approval included the requirement of a fence. Mr. Bickley indicated that was correct; however, a fence can be required within a PUD but cannot be required when considering a rezoning application.
Paul Shaw questioned the timeline on the bridal suite. Mr. Smith indicated that he does not have a timeline.
Mr. Mindlin questioned if the applicant would be willing to work with the neighbor on a privacy fence. Mr. Smith commented that he would like to maintain the wooded area and does not want to remove any of the trees.
Paul Shaw made a motion to approve Case #157858 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gregory Hart. All members voted in the affirmative. Chairperson Davenport did not vote.
Chairperson Davenport indicated that the recommendation will be presented to the Trustees for review at their meeting on October 25, 2022.
Agenda Item 2 – Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
With no corrections, the August 24, 2022 meeting minutes were approved as emailed.
Agenda Item 3 – Unfinished Business
No unfinished business to conduct.
Agenda Item 4 – New Business
No new business to conduct.
With no other business to conduct, Chairman Davenport adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Todd Bickley