Minutes: April 27th, 2010


The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Gary Mortus at 7:30 p.m. on April 27, 2010 in the conference room. Present: Gary Mortus, Matt Montowski, William Rofkar, Pat Cerny, Jack DeVore, Steve May, Tony Corona, Keith Fisher, Dan Barlow, John Gangway and Mrs. Montowski, Sr. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Pat Cerny read minutes of the April 13, 2010. Wiliam Rofkar made a motion to approve the minutes as read seconded by Matt Montowski. All voted aye.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve and pay the bills in the $58,442.26 seconded by William Rofkar. Gary Mortus stated the warrant issued to Newell Equipment will be held back until all the equipment is received. All voted aye.

There will be a Primary Election on Tuesday, May 4, 2010.

Columbia Gas of Ohio informing customers of their new system used to purchase natural gas.

Invitation to 2010 Police Memorial Day Ceremony at the Carroll Township Service Complex on May 13, 2010 at 11:00 a.m.

A check for $207,491.90 was received from the Ottawa County Auditor’s Office from Inheritance Tax.

A notice from Valley Ford Truck, Inc. with information on new trucks and vans.

A resolution from the American Legion Post #113 of Port Clinton requesting appropriation be determined and made to their post for the observance of Memorial Day within the township.

Amendment from Medical Mutual of Ohio for continued coverage for employees who involuntarily lost employment between September 8, 2008 and March 31, 2010.

Mary Taylor, CPA, Auditor of State regarding ROVA Internet Service.

Fire Chief John Gangway stated the Beachtowne Condominiums in Gem Beach has had the concrete put in and it should be ready for the fire department to take the trucks down to the area. John Gangway also stated the fire department was turned down for their 2009 grant application for the fire boat and would like to apply again for a 2010 grant. He also reminded the trustees that a minimum 5 per cent of the bid amount is needed to accompany the application.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve the grant application with a 10 percent match from the township seconded by Matt Montowski. William Rofkar, aye; Matt Montowski, aye; Gary Mortus, aye.

Dan Barlow, Maintenance Supervisor would like to purchase an air compressor for the compost area. Dan received prices from Northern Hydraulics for $389.99; Tractor Supply for $350.98 and WalMart for $275.00. Tractor Supply was the choice.

Regarding road repairs, Matt Montowski made a motion to use the Kriemes Company for road repairs in the amount of $13,418.00 seconded by William Rofkar. All voted aye. William Rofkar made a motion to use Erie Group of Companies for repairs to the tennis courts and basketball court in the amount of $15,750.00 seconded by Matt Montowski. All voted aye.

Dan Barlow stated the County Engineer recommended that we do not bore from the existing catch basin to the break wall along B Street in Gem Beach. He recommended a regular excavation instead of boring because of the water lines and sewer lines in that area. Gary Mortus talked to Mr. & Mrs. Grummel and they agreed to a three way partnership, themselves, the new condos and the township. Dan Barlow met with Molnar Construction and Gill Construction and we should have some information by the next Trustee meeting.

Dan Barlow said there was a roof leak above the Police Chief’s desk again on the north side of the building. Dan reported a lot of the shingles are in poor condition and a contractor is needed to look at the roof. A contractor list and specs will be put together and bids will be requested.

Dan also stated at the old fire station there is a problem with the gutter and it is rotted out. Peters Aluminum looked at it and it needs a downspout. A price is being put together for the next meeting.

The new truck is in, except for the plow and lettering will be done for a price of $240.00.

Matt Montowski made a motion to remove and donate to the Goodwill recycling program a computer monitor, a copy machine, speakers and a fax machine and tower with the hard drive removed seconded by William Rofkar. All voted aye.

Matt Montowski suggested we look at possibly adjusting the fee for advertising signs in commercial districts. It will be looked into.

The approval letter that Marine Max had requested in regard to the parking will not be written to Marine Max until all the criteria is met in regard to the temporary parking arrangement. Pat Cerny has received the lease agreement, but has not received a completed application for the parking lot.

Matt Montowski stated that he and Pat Cerny visited the Holiday Village and there is a sign that says “bag your fish”. Doug Alexander notified Matt that he would like to clean the fish cleaning area up. He would restain the fence and put a gate on the trash container area. It should not be a problem as long as he does not add anything.

Matt Montowski would like to set up a work session with the other two trustees and Pat and Karen to walk through the offices and reorganize the storage room. Walk through will be May 19th at 8:30 a.m.

Gary Mortus stated Nextell’s billing will go on through May 17th and then the cost reduction will go into effect in the next billing cycle.

William Rofkar made a motion to donate $200.00 to the American Legion Post for Memorial Day seconded by Matt Montowski. All voted aye.

Matt Montowski made a motion to adjourn seconded by William Rofkar. All voted aye.

Chairman___________________Fiscal Officer__________________