PHONE: 419-797-4131




Maintenance Department

The Maintenance Department is staffed with four full time employees and one part time employee. The department’s responsibilities include road maintenance, snow removal, mowing and maintenance of the cemetery, the park, the nature trail, the community hall, the boat launch ramp, leaf and brush removal, and various other responsibilities in the upkeep of the township.

Kevin Johnson, Maintenance Supervisor, can be reached at 419-797-2460.

Spring and Fall Clean up

Twice a year, with dates to be announced under “Township News“, the township provides free drop off to the residents of Catawba Island for disposal of larger items at the compost site, with the exception of batteries, tires, paint and hazardous materials.

Spring and Fall Clean up Dates:

Spring – April 25th & 26th

Fall – September 26th & 27th

More information on our Home page:


A full-time recycling service is provided to residents in cooperation with the Catawba Island Township Trustees and the OSS Solid Waste District. Participation in the recycling program is encouraged and appreciated. The containers are located at 4822 E. Cemetery Road in the township administration building parking lot. All materials can be put into containers together including glass (bottles and jars only), metal (aluminum and steel cans), plastics (food, beverage, and detergent containers ONLY), and paper (cardboard, cartons, junk mail, magazines, newspaper, office paper, paperboard, and phone books). Special recycling events for household hazardous waste, tires, televisions and small electronics are held at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds throughout the year and are sponsored by the OSS Solid Waste District. For more information visit

Trash Hauling

Residents have the opportunity to choose their own refuse company. Some refuse companies also provide pick-up for trash and recyclable products/packaging.

Brush Pick-Up

Brush pick-up is a service provided the first week of each month April through November, weather permitting. The brush is chipped and mulch is available to residents at no cost. Christmas trees will be picked up curbside after the holiday through the end of January.

Leaf Pick-Up

Curbside leaf pick-up is provided in late October through December and one week in the spring.

Leaf Vac

In September of 2003, Catawba Island Township received a new leaf collector truck. This truck was made by the Tarrant Manufacturing Company, TARCO, which has been a supplier to industry and government since 1883.

Mounted Yard Waste & Litter Collector Trucks

  – One man operation from the truck cab, cleans yard waste, leaves, and litter.
  – Enclosed receiver box with dust reduction.
  – Water injection system.
  – 16″ diameter leaf collection hose. 6″ Diameter wander hose for litter collection.
  – Hopper capacities of 25 cubic yards
  – Top hinged air operated tailgate for fast unloading, never leave the cab when dumping.

Compost Area

The Compost Area is located east of the Cemetery
Open daily 7:00am until dusk

Material should be left in designated areas as marked:

RAW WOOD: All raw wood material, limbs, and branches.

NO trees with a circumference of 8 inches or larger, or longer than 8 feet.
NO tree stumps larger than a basketball.
NO material with spikes, nails, or rebar.

FINISHED MULCH: Material is FREE to the public.

Please pick material up as desired or call the township maintenance department at 419-797-2460 to schedule a day for loading between 3:00pm and 3:30pm.

CHIPPED MATERIAL: Material is FREE to the public.

Please pick material up as desired or call the township maintenance department at 419-797-2460 to schedule a day for loading between 3:00pm and 3:30pm.

YARD WASTE: Leaves, grasses, and flowers ONLY.

NO branches, bushes, or plastic bags. Material is used to make compost.


The oldest and best compost material is the pile located EAST of the building. All piles are turned four times per year to help break down material faster.


The compost facility is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and inspected without notice. Trash and non-biodegradable material are not acceptable and could result in a citation. Please help keep the compost area clean and operational.

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