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Minutes: June 22nd, 2021

Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees

Meeting Minutes

June 22, 2021

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman Diane Belden on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room of the administration building.

In attendance were: Diane Belden, Matt Montowski, William Rofkar, John Gangway,
Kevin Johnson, Ernie Wylie, Dan Barlow, Jack Madison, Vicki Wheatley, William Baker,
Randy Riedmaier, and Jack DeVore

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve the June 8, 2021 Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as received. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the last payroll, in the amount of $64,280.92. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


A letter from Mike and Ann Richmond requesting to rent the large parking lot on West Catawba Road at the old fire station from 2:30 p.m. until dark on July 31, for guests to park.

Trustees agreed Mike and Ann Richmond could rent the lot for $100 for parking as requested.

A letter from Steve Lovitt of Gem Beach Marina requesting approval to close the road from the Gem Beach Marina, Twin Beach Road Storage lot to the Marine Store beginning at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, July 4, in order to hold a Fourth of July parade in the Gem Beach Subdivision and Marina.

Trustees agreed to the road closure as requested for approximately 45 minutes to allow for the parade and confirmed the timing of the parade and golf cart traffic concerns with Police Chief John Gangway.

The Ottawa County Community Foundation Spring 2021 newsletter.

The 2020 Annual Report from Ohio811 Before You Dig organization.


Police Chief John Gangway said he continues to schedule overtime on the weekends during peak tourist season and at the Miller Ferry dock as necessary.


Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Johnson presented quotes for grinding mulch at the compost facility; Lake Erie Tree Service $14,350 and Barnes Nursery $29,300 to haul wood chips off site and an alternate bid of $38,000 to leave all the mulch on site.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve a contract with Lake Erie Tree Service for $14,350 for mulch grinding. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
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June 22, 2021

Diane Belden said the fire department will be at the Catawba Island Club on July 2 for the fireworks and will have a truck at the Gem Beach parade on July 4. She said the chicken barbeque is scheduled for July 10 and that Engine 222 is still at Put in Bay as it was loaned out while their engine is serviced.

New Business

Diane Belden reported she completed the Community Inventory/Planning Questionnaire as requested by the Ottawa County Improvement Corporation.

Vicki Wheatley spoke on behalf of the Parks Board. She said a gentleman attended their most recent meeting and shared his vision of community gardens. Vicki Wheatley said the Parks Board members like his ideas and are researching the possibility of community gardens further.

Vicki Wheatley also discussed the vision of the Parks Board for the Catawba Point Preserve and said they would like the preserve to remain in its natural state unless it presents a danger to the public such as hanging limbs. She said there is a community member who has volunteered and done a lot of work in the preserve to make it beautiful but the Parks Board would like to maintain control of the preserve and feels that individuals should come to the Park Board to request any change they might like to make in the preserve. Vicki Wheatley said the individual also provided the Parks Board with a list of items desired for the preserve but the Parks Board has denied the requests.

William Rofkar said he disagrees that the Parks Board should have total control of the area because over the years members have informed him they didn’t want anything to do with Catawba Point Preserve and this individual has been working in the preserve for years and has worked really hard to make it look the way it does now and has done an outstanding job. William Rofkar said he personally has a hard time discouraging someone who is doing the work and has a vision that seems reasonable.

Vicki Wheatley said the Parks Board would like to see the vision. She said the preserve is in her back yard and she sees the work being done every day and applauds the effort, but does not agree with vehicles being driven in the preserve or with wood chippings and various plantings. Vicki Wheatley said the Parks Board wants the vision to be reviewed by a botanist prior to approval.

Diane Belden suggested now that there are a few new Park Board members in place maybe there is a way to come together and agree to work mutually in the preserve.

William Rofkar said he will not discourage the individual from continuing to volunteer in the preserve but will be make an effort to keep communications open between the volunteer, the maintenance department, and the Parks Board.

Diane Belden read a letter to Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Johnson from Police Chief John Gangway in recognition of his assistance at the township boat launch over the weekend ensuring the safety of boaters using the township facilities. Trustees also thanked Kevin Johnson for his efforts.

Matt Montowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting. William Rofkar seconded the motion. All voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


___________________________ _____________________________
Diane Belden, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer

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