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Minutes: October 11th, 2022

Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees

Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2022

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman William Rofkar on Tuesday, October 11, at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room of the administration building.

In attendance were: Diane Belden, William Rofkar, Matt Montowski, Karen Shaw, John Gangway, Kevin Johnson, Ernie Wylie, Dan Barlow, Jack Madison, Brad Schwan, Ann Rumpf, Quintin Smith, Rob Krain, Suzy Wittenmyer, Lisa Murphy, Rich Norgard, and Randy Riedmaier.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Diane Belden made a motion to approve the September 27, 2022 Board of Trustees Public Hearing meeting minutes as presented. William Rofkar seconded the motion. Matt Montowski recused himself. Diane Belden, aye; William Rofkar, aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve the September 27, 2022 Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as presented. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the last payroll, in the amount of $76,538.90. The total includes a payment of $32,250 to the City of Port Clinton for third quarter Emergency Medical Services. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


Fiscal Officer Karen Shaw presented the September 2022 financial reports and bank reconciliation. There were no questions or concerns.


An email from Jannah Wilson, Park District of Ottawa County, requesting their meeting at the Community Hall on October 26, regarding the proposed multi use trail, be posted on the township website.

Diane Belden said she feels residents would like more information regarding the proposed trail and posting notice of the meeting and related survey on our website would be beneficial.

Matt Montowski said he hesitates because the Park District of Ottawa County is a separate entity.

William Rofkar said he would like to reserve the township’s website for Catawba Island Township related business including that of our own Parks Board rather than using the township website to promote other entity events as it can get confusing with multiple park boards and multiple projects.

An email from Jannah Wilson and signed resolution from the Park Board approving the grant variance as requested by Township Trustees.

A letter from the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners to all township trustees regarding their recent public hearing on SB52 and notice that some individuals who were in attendance may reach out to their township trustees, especially in townships that have chosen to not put fourth restrictions.

Catawba Island Township Trustees have restricted wind and solar development within the township.

An email from the Solid Waste District announcing the recycling service will now be provided by Rumpke Recycling.

A letter from the Ottawa County Board of Elections regarding set up for the November 8 election.

The Fairway Villas Times Fall 2022 newsletter.


Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Johnson presented a quote from Barnes for grinding mulch at the compost facility.

William Rofkar said he would like to obtain another quote before making a final decision.

Kevin Johnson said maintenance personnel have picked up leaves once and will continue for the next couple months. He said they are in need of purchasing some repair parts for continued maintenance on the leaf vacuum.

Trustees agreed maintenance parts should be purchased as needed to keep the leaf vacuum in service.

Kevin Johnson said they need to replace all four tires on the International truck.

Trustees agreed to the purchase of four tires for the dump truck as requested.

William Rofkar said to replace the back tire on the backhoe as well.

William Rofkar said the Spring Clean Up dates are tentatively set for April 28 and 29, 2023.


Brad Schwan said the Fall Walk through Cedar Meadows was well received and attended over the weekend. He said the pickleball courts are progressing at Heigel Park with stone being hauled in and leveled and forms set this week and concrete being poured on site.


Diane Belden reported Port Clinton EMS responded to 45 calls in July, 46 in August, and 54 in September for a total of 145 EMS runs the third quarter of 2022. She said year to date runs are higher than the same time last year.


Matt Montowski said there were fourteen zoning permits issued in September, four variances and two map amendments requested for a total of $2,207.76 collected in fees.

Matt Montowski said there will be a zoning public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on October 25 prior to our next regular Trustee meeting.

New Business

Matt Montowski presented the final estimate of $1,620 from the Catawba Island Club for the township hosting the Ottawa County Township Association meeting at the CIC on October 27.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve a two month unpaid leave for Chris Scott per his request beginning November 2. He will pay his COBRA insurance for the month of December.
Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

On behalf of the Black Swamp Conservancy, Rob Krain requested a resolution of support for a Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program (Clean Ohio) application that they are hoping to submit Friday and, if funded, would allow the Conservancy to purchase two tracks of land from Quinstock Farms, LLC to preserve them in perpetuity.

Matt Montowski asked if there is a difference between a purchase and an easement.

Rob Krain said that with a conservation easement there is a separate owner. He said so in the case of Cedar Meadows, the township owns the property and Black Swamp Conservancy has a conservation easement as a third party and monitors the property.

Rob Krain said with the Nehls Nature Preserve on Muggy Road the Black Swamp Conservancy owns and manages the property and that is how these properties would be if purchased. Black Swamp Conservancy would own and manage the properties.

William Rofkar asked if Black Swamp would be making improvements that the public would have access to at some point. Rob Krain said the interior property would likely take a little longer but with the shoreline property they would be looking to make improvement over the next few years.

Matt Montowski asked since Black Swamp would be purchasing property from a private individual why do they need approval from Township Trustees. Rob Krain said they are seeking state funds with Clean Ohio and in order to apply through that program, they need the blessing of the township and the county.

William Rofkar said it would affect the tax base down the road because it is land that would be removed from the tax duplicate. He said no one would ever build houses on the property so the township would not receive those taxes. Bill Rofkar said he personally feels it is a great benefit to our township to have these parks and green spaces.


WHEREAS, The Black Swamp Conservancy (the Conservancy) is a charitable organization whose mission is the conservation and protection of natural and agricultural lands in northwest Ohio for the benefit of future generations;

WHEREAS, the Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program (Clean Ohio) helps to fund preservation of open spaces, sensitive ecological areas and stream corridors;

WHEREAS, the Conservancy intends to submit an application to Clean Ohio to acquire a property located in Catawba Island Township of Ottawa County and owned by Quinstock Farms, LLC.;

WHEREAS, the Conservancy’s purchase on the above named property will provide aesthetic and ecological preservation benefits to the residents of Ottawa County and the Catawba Island Township; and

WHEREAS, the Conservancy’s purchase of the above named property will permanently protect this valuable resource;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Catawba Island Township Trustees fully support the Black Swamp Conservancy’s application to the Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program for this project.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board of Township Trustees, Township of Catawba Island, County of Ottawa, State of Ohio concerning the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of the Board of Township Trustees, and that all deliberations of this Board of Township Trustees and of any of committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Matt Montowski said he is concerned with the last minute request and would have liked to have had the opportunity to run it by the county prosecutor.

Rob Krain said the resolution is identical to the resolution Trustees approved for the Nehls property.

William Rofkar said he feels the request is basic and simple and he does not want to lose an opportunity for them to receive grant funding. He said the resolution states we are in support and does not require anything more from the Trustees and does not cost the township anything.

Diane Belden said she agrees and does not want to miss the opportunity.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve the resolution as presented in regards to the purchase of the above named property pending review by the Ottawa County Prosecutor’s Office. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

A discussion took place with Rob Krain about the trail being installed in the Cedar Meadow Preserve.

Suzy Wittenmyer spoke briefly about a rare butterfly species in the Cedar Meadow Preserve.

Lisa Murphy asked why there are no attachments included with the meeting minutes that are posted on the township website.

Karen Shaw said attachments are not posted on the website but if there is a document or correspondence that someone would like to see she will provide a copy or scan and email as has been requested and provided in the past.

Lisa Murphy said she does not feel the meeting minutes are a good representation of everything that goes on in a meeting including all conversations or questions asked and answered.

Karen Shaw said by the Ohio Revised Code only decisions and motions made by Trustees are required to be included in the meeting minutes, therefore she does not include all conversations that take place during the meeting.

William Rofkar agreed and said all actions of the Board need to be included in the meeting minutes but not every word that is spoken.

Lisa Murphy said she wants to know who has requested tuition reimbursement for fire fighter and EMS training for the last 25 years and how many calls those individuals went on.

Karen Shaw said the request is too broad and we are not required to create a document that does not already exist.

Matt Montowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting. William Rofkar seconded the motion.
All voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

___________________________ _____________________________
William Rofkar, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer

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