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Minutes: September 13th, 2022

Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees

Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2022

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman William Rofkar on Tuesday, September 13, at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room of the administration building.

In attendance were: Diane Belden, William Rofkar, Matt Montowski, Karen Shaw,
John Gangway, Kevin Johnson, Ernie Wylie, Kevin Gibbons, Dan Barlow, Jack Madison,
Ann Rumpf, Dorothy Baker, William Baker, and Randy Riedmaier.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Diane Belden made a motion to approve the August 23, 2022 Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes and August 29, 2022 special meeting minutes as presented. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the last regular payroll, in the amount of $68,481.33. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


A letter from Jannah Wilson of the Park District of Ottawa County requesting use of the Community Hall for a public meeting on October 26, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Trustees agreed the Park District of Ottawa County can use the Community Hall as requested and waived the rental fee.

A letter from Judy Peters of the Catawba Island Garden Club requesting use of the Community Hall on August 22, 2023, from 10:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Trustees agreed the Catawba Island Garden Club can use the Community Hall as requested and waived the rental fee.

A letter from Kevin Dill of Lost Lake Road expressing concern with the increase in Huey Helicopter rides flying over his home as well as the noise and vibrations. He requested that it stop.

Matt Montowski said he contacted the airport and a representative said the helicopter is on site 3 to 5 days a year and they would discuss alternate routes with the business for next year. Matt Montowski said he reached out to Kevin Dill and said if he has any further concerns he should contact the airport.

A letter from Frank Harmon of Ohio Insurance Services Agency, Inc. regarding Prescription Drug Reporting and a letter regarding the 2023 Vision Service Plan Renewal with no increase in cost.

Notification from the Joint Solid Waste Management District regarding a tire recycling event for townships on September 17 at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds.

The 2021 Ohio Plan Annual Report.
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September 13, 2022

Fiscal Officer Karen Shaw presented the August 2022 financial reports and bank reconciliation. There were no questions or concerns.

William Rofkar made a motion to adopt a Resolution accepting and certifying the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2023 as estimated by the Ottawa County Auditor. Rates to be levied include 4.2 Inside Mills and 4.3 Outside Mills. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Diane Belden, aye; Matt Montowski, aye; William Rofkar, aye. Motion carried.

Karen Shaw said at the last meeting Trustees made a motion to make an advance payment of $53,900 to Gerold Construction for the start of the Pickleball Project at Heigel Park. Karen Shaw said she reached out to Daivia Kasper of the Ottawa County Prosecutor’s Office and confirmed that as a political subdivision the township should not make payments for services until they have been rendered or until materials have been installed or delivered on site. Therefore, the check that was created will be voided and a new check will follow when an invoice is received for services rendered for the project.

William Rofkar said he also communicated with Daivia Kasper and now agrees no payment will be made until one third of the project is complete as was stipulated in the signed agreement.


Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Johnson said maintenance personnel are preparing for the fall clean up days scheduled for Friday and Saturday, September 23 and 24.


Police Chief John Gangway said the DEA prescription drug take back for fall will be October 29. He said an officer will make a delivery to the Fremont Police Department at that time.

John Gangway said the department would like to replace a vehicle in early 2023. He said he has been in contact with Statewide Ford and they will have Police Interceptors ready for purchase early 2023.


Matt Montowski made a motion to request the Park District of Ottawa County consider a grant variance to include the upgrade of a 100 by 10 foot section of the east-west trail with a limestone path ending at the pond observation deck and install drain tiles at low crossings. Diane Belden seconded the motion. Vote: William Rofkar, aye; Matt Montowski, aye; Diane Belden, aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski said Bruce Buckingham is once again requesting permission to set up nets in the nature preserves for Saw-Whet Owl banding. He said Bruce Buckingham has been state and federally permitted since 1973 and in that time he has banded over 60,000 Saw-Whet Owls.

Trustees agreed Bruce Buckingham can continue to use the parks for Saw-Whet Owl banding.


Matt Montowski said there were eighteen zoning permits issued in August, seven variances and a map amendment requested for a total of $3,873.62 collected in fees.

Matt Montowski said Trustees will hold a zoning public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 27.

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September 13, 2022


Kevin Gibbons said CIVFD members responded to 6 fire and 28 EMS calls in July for a total of 34 runs. He said members responded to 10 fire and 28 EMS calls in August for a total of 38 runs.

Kevin Gibbons said a spring broke on one of the doors at the fire station and JVS was called to repair. He also presented a quote from Atlas Outfitters for four Mustang Ice Commander Rescue Suits.

Matt Montowski made a motion to purchase four Mustang Ice Commander Rescue Suits at $867 each for a total of $3,556 from Atlas Outfitters. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski said Jordan Davenport was previously approved to attend the Firehouse Expo in late September and complete continuing education classes, however he will not be able to attend now for personal reasons.

Diane Belden said Trustees met with Kent Johnson and discussed the new EMS Contract on Monday, August 29. She said there were a couple items of concern with the new contract relating to language omitted that was included in the previous contract and also with new language. Diane Belden said she reached out to our Ohio Plan representative and also to the Port Clinton Law Director who helped write the contract. She said the final paragraph that eliminated liability to the City of Port Clinton and placed all liability on Catawba Island Township has been removed and the section previously removed relating to holding the township elected officials and officers harmless in defending claims has been put back in the contract.

Diane Belden said Port Clinton EMS also eliminated the advisory committee although it was referenced in the new contract a few times and those references have been removed. She said they also added new language that requires any request for additional services, staffing, or equipment that involves funding to ask the Trustees first for approval. Diane Belden said those were the items of concern discussed and they have been incorporated into the new contract. She said she is happy with the new contract as it reads now.

New Business

Diane Belden said she attended the Park District of Ottawa County meeting and a representative from Poggemeyer was present and talked about sending out surveys to Catawba Island residents as part of their feasibility study to get an idea of how residents feel about a multi-use trail.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve Marty Auxter as a casual labor employee to help with winter road maintenance and other maintenance related work as needed. Marty Auxter is also a member of the Catawba Island Volunteer Fire Department. Diane Belden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Diane Belden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Matt Montowski seconded the motion.
All voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

___________________________ _____________________________
William Rofkar, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer

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