APRIL 11, 2018
Bruno Zottola Jordan Market
Jake Market Renee Market
Bud Ohlemacher Irene Ohlemacher
Angela Brown Mark Worley
Don Kersulis Joan Jones Kersulis
Rick Smetzer Suzie Putich Kisling
Gary Ferguson Kim Lowry
Scott Tanner Amy Lee
Jeff Jadwisiak Bob Rahm
Pam Rahm Ron Fleet
Chairman Bryan Baugh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members in attendance included: Sandy Erwin, Jack Ziegler and Tim McKenna. Chairman Baugh announced that members Doug Blackburn, alternate Flint Heidlebaugh and alternate Diane Belden were absent. Also in attendance was Todd Bickley, Zoning Inspector. Chairman Baugh read through the meeting process. He asked if there were any questions concerning the procedure to be used. There were none.
New Business
Case #068119 JBS Market, LTD.
Secretary Erwin read the facts of the case. The applicant is proposing an expansion of an existing parking area by 200 feet at 5358 Porter Street and also known as Parcel ID #013029732203000. The expansion area is located in the “A” Residential Low Density District. The application is for a parking area use variance.
Chairman Baugh questioned if any Board member has a conflict. Sandra Erwin indicated that she had a conflict and she left the room.
Jake Market was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Jake Market indicated that Miller Boat Line attempts to work with the community in dealing with vehicle parking. Other locations are considered, but it is difficult to purchase new property because of inflated pricing.
Chairman Baugh noted that the request is a use variance and he questioned the square footage. Mr. Market indicated that the parcel size is 170’ x 200’. Tim McKenna questioned what the plan is for the remainder of the property. Mr. Market noted that access is restricted but the existing material in the proposed parking area would be moved to the unused area and that the area could be used for storage. Mr. McKenna questioned lighting. Mr. Market noted that lighting was not proposed, but could do so if the neighbors would request lighting. Mr. Market understands that the lighting, if installed, cannot create a glare for the neighbors. Mr. McKenna also questioned the chain link fence and whether other types of fencing would be considered. Mr. Market noted that they would be willing to consider other type of fencing. Chairman Baugh questioned the height. Mr. Market noted that the fence would be 4’ – 5’ in height. Mr. McKenna questioned the use of shrubbery. Mr. Market was willing to consider shrubbery. Jack Ziegler questioned surface. Mr. Market noted that grass works well but that blacktop is an option. If stoned, oil type product could be used to keep dust down. Chairman Baugh noted the traffic pattern, which is a continuation of the existing parking area and comes off of Porter Street. Mr. Market noted the parking plan and indicated that this is the densest option, but that there is probably too many parking spots. He also noted that the parking area would be open all the time.
Jeff Jadwisiak of 3896 NE Catawba Road was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Jadwisiak questioned if Miller Boat Line would be open to selling the land. Mr. Market commented that if it cannot be used, then not sure about selling. An option, other than parking, would be for storage. Mr. Jadwisiak noted that Miller Boat Line has control of the Beach Cliff property. Mr. Market noted Miller Boat Line is looking at the future when acquiring the Beach Cliff property. Mr. Market noted that Miller Boat Line is trying to get people off the road as quickly as possible. Mr. Jadwisiak questioned if the Board had a plan for this area. Chairman Baugh noted that creating a plan is not the Zoning Appeals purpose. Mr. Jadwisiak noted that the area has no sidewalk and he is scared of people getting hurt and he has traffic concerns. Mr. Jadwisiak also stated that he bought the property knowing that cars would not be parked behind him.
Gary Ferguson of 3893 Union Drive was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Ferguson questioned if the Board can put restrictions on a use variance. Chairman Baugh indicated that the Board can put stipulations on a use variance. Mr. Ferguson noted that the existing parking area is not used that much and he questioned why is it now necessary to expand the parking area. Mr. Martin commented on the “Easter Sunday” phenomen. During the weekday, the parking areas are about 50% full while on the weekends, everything is full. The goal is not to run out of capacity. Mr. Ferguson indicated that 5, 6 or 7 times a year the parking area on this property is full and additional congestion would be created on property that is used seven (7) times a year. Mr. Ferguson commented that Miller Boat Line will be acquiring additional property, which could help to alleviate the parking. Also, the property owners would have to look at a fence, which would be required.
Bud Ohlemacher of 3872 NE Catawba Road was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Ohlemacher questioned how could the area be used for storage when zoned “A”. Mr. Ohlemacher would not like to see stone and other materials behind him, as well as cars. The situation will get worse.
Pamela Rahm of 3956 N. Union Drive was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Ms. Rahm expressed concerns with safety, having property destruction, indecent exposure, traffic, noise and mailboxes destroyed. She suggested shuttles. She also noted someone will get hurt.
Suzie Putich Kistling of 3868 N. Union Drive was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Ms. Putich Kistling suggested that the applicant wait and see if additional parking will be needed.
Bruno Zottola of 3922 NE Catawba Road was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Zottola noted that he owns the house next to Jeff Jadwisiak and he has his daughter and to two (2) granddaughters living in the house. He indicated that he is against the use variance request.
Kim Lowry of 3877 Union Drive was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Ms. Lowry was concerned with her well water since additional vehicles and oiling the parking area could pollute the ground water.
Ms. Putich Kisling noted that continued talking about the issue could help to alleviate the traffic and other concerns.
Ron Fleet of 5271 Porter Road was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Fleet enjoys watching people walk down the street; however, speed limits need to be evaluated and a tragedy will happen at some point in time.
Mr. Jadwisiak also expressed concerns with property values. He noted that a shuttle system would be safer and cheaper land could be acquired. Tickets could be sold at the off-site shuttle.
Mr. Market noted that the Miller Boat Line does not run late like the Jet Express. He noted that parking areas are kept open. If individuals miss the last shuttle, then the shuttle keeps running after the boats are done.
Mr. Ohlemacher expressed drainage concerns.
Mr. Jadwisiak questioned if a use variance was approved, would it be easier to obtain a change in zoning. Chairman Baugh commented that the Board grants use variances, but cannot grant rezoning’s.
The Board went into deliberations.
The Board came out of deliberations. Chairman Baugh indicated that the Board was ready to proceed with making a decision. Chairman Baugh questioned the applicant whether he would like the hearing to continue so that he could discuss the issues with the adjacent property owners. Mr. Market indicated that he would like to continue the hearing to the next Board meeting.
Tim McKenna made a motion to table Case #068119 until the next Board meeting, which is scheduled for May 9, 2018. The motion was seconded Jack Ziegler. Motion passed.
Secretary Sandra Erwin returned to the meeting.
Approval of Minutes – March 14, 2018
The meeting minutes from the March 14, 2018 meeting was mailed to each member. Secretary Erwin moved to approve the March 14, 2018 meeting minutes. Jack Ziegler seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Other Business
No other business to conduct.
Jack Ziegler moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Tim McKenna. The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
_____________________________ _____________________________
Bryan Baugh, Chairman Sandra Erwin, Secretary