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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes: August 9th, 2017


AUGUST 9, 2017


Keith M. Teynor
Chad Hill
Jack DeVore
Renee DeVore
Greg Russell
Rick Smetzer

Chairman Bryan Baugh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members in attendance included: Sandy Erwin, Jack Zeigler, Doug Blackburn and alternates Flint Heidlebaugh and Diane Belden. Flint Heidlebaugh took the place of Tim McKenna. Chairman Baugh read through the meeting process. He asked if there were any questions concerning the procedure to be used. There were none.

New Business

Case # 068026 – Chad & Christena Hill

Secretary Erwin read the facts of the case. The applicants propose the construction of a new home to be located at 5530 E. Bay Pointe Circle and also known as Lot 13 of North Pointe Subdivision. The property is located in the “R-4” Residential District and the applicant is requesting a reduction of the rear yard setback from thirty-five feet (35’) feet to thirty-one feet (31’).

Chairman Baugh questioned if any Board member had a conflict. No conflict existed for the Board members.

Todd Bickley, zoning inspector, did not receive correspondence.

Chad Hill was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Hill noted that the variance is a four foot (4’) rear yard reduction. Mr. Hill noted that they were incorrectly advised of the setbacks. Mr. Hill submitted a drawing showing the house on the lot. Mr. Bickley explained that the lot is a corner lot with the primary front yard off the east side of the lot and the side yard that provides a front yard setback of twenty-five feet (25’) is to the north. The rear yard is opposite the primary front yard and the applicant’s home will be thirty-one feet (31’) off the property line. Mr. Hill noted that the house will be facing to the north, which is not the primary front yard.

Chairman Baugh questioned the size of the home. Mr. Hill indicated that the size of the home will be 3,700 square feet. Sandy Erwin questioned the location of the porch. Mr. Hill indicated that the porch will be to the north and come out six feet (6’). It was noted that the setback off the north side is twenty-five feet (25’) and the house is shown as being thirty-five feet (35’) off the north property line. The setback will be met with a six foot (6’) porch extension. Mr. Hill noted that he was trying to keep the same setback of thirty-five feet (35’) as additional homes are built.

Chairman Baugh questioned if anything will be coming off the back of the house. Mr. Hill indicated nothing will be off the back of the house.

Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Board reviewed the finding of fact. Concerning #1, the Board disagreed with the applicant by a 4-1 vote and agreed with the applicant by a 5-0 vote on the remaining items.

Sandy Erwin made a motion to approve application #068026. The motion was seconded by Doug Blackburn. By voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Case # 068034 – Keith Teynor

Secretary Erwin read the facts of the case. The applicant proposes an addition, an open gable over an open porch, on property located at 5161 E. Bay Pointe Circle, also known as Lot 32 of North Pointe Subdivision. The property is located in the “R-4” residential district and the applicant is requesting a variance to reduce the rear yard setback from thirty-five feet (35’) to nineteen feet (19’). Mr. Bickley noted that the property owners are Peter & Robyn Licari and that Mr. Teynor has obtained a POA from the Mr. Licari.

The zoning inspector received no correspondence.

When asked by Chairman Baugh, no member had a conflict of interest.

Keith Teynor was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Teynor provided the Board with a handout and he intends to extend the patio with a roof extension. The adjacent property owner to the rear is the manufactured home park.

Flint Heidlebaugh questioned if the patio will be at the same level with the existing patio. Mr. Teynor indicated that there will be a step down. Chairman Baugh questioned if the patio will be enclosed. Mr. Teynor stated that it will not be enclosed. Chairman Baugh questioned if the swing set will be removed and Mr. Teynor indicated that it will go away. Mr. Teynor noted that he was not aware of issues with the adjoining property owners.

Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor. Doug Blackburn expressed concern with ingress and egress for fire purposes and that the extension appears close to the rear property line.

The Board reviewed the finding of fact. The Board agreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 vote for items 1, 4, 5 and 7; agreed with the applicant by a 4 – 1 vote on items 2 and 3; and disagreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 on item 6.

Jack Ziegler made a motion to approve application #068034. The motion was seconded by Flint Heidlebaugh. By voice vote, the motion was approved by a 3 – 1 vote. Doug Blackburn voted against the motion.

Approval of Minutes – July 12, 2017

The meeting minutes from the July 12, 2017 meeting was mailed to each member. Sandy Erwin moved to approve the July 12, 2017 meeting minutes. Doug Blackburn seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Other Business

Rick Smetzer commented on the parking issue at the Miller Boat Line. He noted that cars are parked about five feet (5’) off the road.


Sandy Erwin moved to adjourn the meeting. Jack Ziegler seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


______________________________ _____________________________
Bryan Baugh, Chairman Sandra Erwin, Secretary

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