FEBRUARY 8, 2017
Anne Shiple
John Maguire
Jay Berger
Ken Spero
Lee Short
Richard H. Smetzer
Matt Montowski
Chairman Bryan Baugh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members in attendance included: Sandy Erwin, Jack Zeigler, Doug Blackburn, and Diane Belden. Mr. Baugh read through the meeting process. He asked if there were any questions concerning the procedure to be used. There were none.
Old Business
Case #008739 – Don McVey and Renee Griffin
Doug Blackburn made a motion to remove Case #008739 off the table. The motion was seconded by Jack Ziegler. Motion was approved. Chairman Baugh questioned if any member had a conflict, which no one had. Secretary Erwin read the case synopsis. Jay Burger from Mansfield, Ohio, representing Don McVey, was sworn in.
Mr. Burger indicated that a foundation for the home and garage will be installed on the lot, the garage will be 20’ x 24’ and the house will be 27’ x 56’. Chairman Baugh questioned if 27’ was an odd size for a manufactured home. Mr. Burger indicated that it is not unusual and that the actual box size is 27’ x 56’. A poured patio will be installed and be at least five (5) feet off the lot line. Chairman Baugh questioned if a pergola or some other similar structure is proposed. Mr. Burger noted no pergola or similar structure will be installed, and that the patio on the right side of the home will connect with what is identified as the deck; however, the deck will be replaced by the patio. Mr. Blackburn questioned if steps are to be placed at the back of the home. Mr. Burger indicated that steps will not be at the back of the home.
Todd Bickley, zoning inspector, commented that the applicants are using the house plans that were approved for the home two (2) lots to the north. The original house plans did not fit on a parallelogram lot.
The Board reviewed the Finding of Fact as presented by the applicant and the Board unanimously agreed with all seven (7) items.
Doug Blackburn made a motion to approve the variance reducing the rear yard setback from twenty-five (25) feet to six (6) feet with the understanding that the deck is not built and the slab is at grade. The motion was seconded by Sandra Erwin. The motion passed.
New Business
Case # 008758 – John Maguire & Anne Shiple
Secretary Erwin read the facts of the case. The applicants are requesting a reduction of the front yard setback, as measured from the edge of the right-of-way, from forty (40) feet to thirty (30) feet. The location is 4150 N. Grove Road and also known as sub lots 27, 28 and 29 of Catawba Cliffs. The property is zoned “R-1”. The applicants are proposing to remove an existing cottage and construct a new single family home. Chairman Baugh questioned if any Board member had a conflict. No conflict existed for the Board members.
Lee Short, representing the applicants, was sworn in. Mr. Short noted that the proposal will be reviewed by the Catawba Cliffs Association tomorrow night. Mr. Short indicated that his clients considered renovating the existing cottage but eventually decided a new built would be the better alternative. The existing cottage will be torn down. The new home will meet the Cliffs front yard requirement, which is measured from the edge of the road and not the edge of the right-of-way. The placement of the home on the lots will maximize the lake view. Mr. Short reviewed the home’s location with the Board.
Mr. Short noted that he has met with Mike Long and John Coppeler from the Cliffs Association. The new home will actually be setback an additional eleven (11) feet from where the existing home is now situated.
Jack Ziegler questioned if all structures are to be removed, including the accessory building. Mr. Maguire indicated all structures will be removed.
Mr. Blackburn questioned if the Board should make a decision prior to the Catawba Cliffs Association approval. Chairman Baugh felt that the Board could proceed.
The Board reviewed the Finding of Fact as submitted by the applicants. The Board agreed with the applicant on all items; however, it was noted that the home could be situated so that a variance would not be needed.
Jack Ziegler made a motion to approve Case # 008758 as presented. The motion was seconded by Doug Blackburn. Motion passed.
Other Business
Ken Spero – 2268 N.W. Catawba Road
Todd Bickley explained that Lee Short, representing Ken Spero, submitted a zoning application for the commercial addition at 2268 N.W. Catawba Road, which received a conditional use approval last year. The coverage of the addition will be 1,000 square feet, however, a second floor will be added, and so the total square footage is 1,720 square feet. Mr. Bickley was verifying that application falls within the conditional use approval.
Lee Short explained that if the addition is one (1) story, it would have a nine (9) foot high ceiling. A drawing of the addition was shown to the Board members. Mr. Short indicated that addition will have 1,000 square feet down and 720 square feet up, similar to a bonus room in a garage. The upstairs will be fifteen (15) feet by forty (40) feet with dormers. Access to the upstairs will not be from the inside but from a separate entrance on the outside of the building.
Ken Spero indicated that he is reroofing and residing the existing house and he explained that the upstairs will be used for storage only; no plumbing and limited electrical. Mr. Blackburn questioned a future use. Mr. Spero indicated that no other use is proposed and that access is from the outside.
At the request of Secretary Erwin, Mr. Bickley read the Board’s previous decision: Tim McKenna moved to approve the conditional use as presented with no more than a 1,000 square foot real estate office. Jack Ziegler seconded the motion.
The Board was in agreement that the application could be approved and that approval from the township be obtained if the upstairs changes its use. The Board requested that Mr. Short meet with the neighbor to review the building plans.
Approval of Minutes – January 11, 2017
The meeting minutes from the January 11 meeting was mailed to each member. Mr. Baugh asked if there were any questions. Sandra Erwin moved to approve the January 11, 2017 meeting minutes. Doug Blackburn seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Township Trustee Report
Mr. Montowski reported on the following:
• The NorEaster case is still ongoing, the Roll case has been appealed to the Court of Appeals, and the Dollar General Store case was appealed to the Ottawa County Court of Common Pleas.
• The following roads will be paved this year: Konker and Wine Cellar Roads and possibly Moores Dock Road. The state may be making improvements by the state park.
• The township parking lot improvements are estimated at $95,000, which includes relocating the light pole.
• An older police vehicle hit a deer and a new car was purchased.
• A new dump truck was purchased.
Sandra Erwin moved to adjourn the meeting. Jack Ziegler seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
_____________________________ ______________________________
Bryan Baugh, Chairman Sandra Erwin, Secretary