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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes: March 10th, 2021


MARCH 10, 2021

Martin Myers Karen Myers
Dorothy Baker Ed Baker
Helen Fagan Michael Fagan
John Hull Karen Hull
Paul Logsdon Ron Nisch

Chairman Bryan Baugh called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members in attendance included: Jack Zeigler, Doug Blackburn, and Alternate Brian Caldwell. Todd Bickley, Zoning Inspector and Matt Montowski, Trustee was also in attendance.

Chairman Baugh read through the meeting process. He asked if there were any questions concerning the procedure to be used. There were no questions.

New Business

Case #254977 Paul & Barbara Logsdon

Todd Bickley read the case facts. The applicants are proposing an addition and are requesting an area variance to reduce the rear yard setback from thirty-five feet (35’) to 12.5 feet. The property location is 1830 N. Concord Circle, also known as Lot 43 of Colony Club Subdivision. The property is situated in the “R-1” Residential District. Mr. Bickley commented that the applicant has amended the application so that the variance is to reduce the rear yard setback to thirty-one feet (31’), not 12.5 feet. Mr. Bickley provided the Board with a drawing illustrating the front, rear and side lot lines and the location of the garage addition. Mr. Bickley also explained the past zoning applications processed by the township.

No board member had a conflict.

Paul Logsdon was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Logsdon explained that he has recently purchased the property and he would like to add a third garage, which would be used for parking a car and storing shop equipment. Mr. Logsdon noted that he confused the rear yard with the side yard and the 12.5 feet was a side yard measurement. The rear yard measurement is thirty-one feet (31’).

Brian Caldwell questioned the exterior. Mr. Logsdon noted that it would be brick to match the house.

Chairman Baugh questioned if any steps were planned. Mr. Logsdon indicated that steps were not part of the plans.

Doug Blackburn questioned the well. Mr. Logsdon noted that the well will be abandoned and the driveway will meander off the existing drive.

Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Finding of Fact was reviewed by the Board. The Board agreed with the applicant by a 4 – 0 vote on Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and by a 3 – 1 vote on Item 1.

Jack Zeigler made a motion to amend the rear yard setback request from 12.5 feet to thirty-one feet (31’) and approve amended Case #254977. The motion was seconded by Brian Caldwell. Motion was approved with all Board members voting in the affirmative. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Case #254978 Meyers Condo, LLC (Karen Myers)

Todd Bickley read the case facts. The applicants are proposing two (2) porch additions to the home located at 4322 E. The Valley, also known as Lot 327 of Catawba Cliffs Subdivision. The applicants are requesting an area variance to reduce the front yard setback from thirty-five feet (35’) to twenty-six feet (26’) for the front porch. The property is situated in the “R-1” Residential District. Mr. Bickley further noted that the front porch will have a depth of seven (7) feet, not five (5) feet as stated on the zoning certificate application. Steps will come off the front and side of the porch. Mr. Bickley explained that required front yard setback of thirty-five feet (35’) was established by the adjacent home to the east and the vacant lot to the west. Mr. Bickley also noted that the rear of the new side porch will be included as part of the kitchen.

No board member had a conflict.

Martin Myers and Karen Myers were sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Myers noted that he is not a contractor or an engineer. The home is older, built in 1955. The existing front porch is narrow and difficult for two (2) people to be on the porch at the same time and try to open the door. So it is desirable to increase the depth of the front porch and the proposal is to go from five feet (5’) to seven feet (7’). Ms. Myers noted the side yard dimensions and that the improvements will be an asset to the community. She commented that $9,000 has been spent on removing trees and that the porch improvements will improve the aesthetics of the house.

Helen Fagan was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Ms. Fagan indicated that she is thankful for the proposed improvements; however, she believes that continuity should be maintained and that no home or structure should be beyond the current homes. Ms. Fagan questioned if the front porch will be enclosed. Ms. Myers indicated that the front porch will not be enclosed. Ms. Fagan questioned, if approved, would this set a precedent. Chairman Baugh explained that each case is reviewed on its own merits. Ms. Fagan questioned the last line of the public hearing notice indicating the case may be continued. Mr. Bickley explained that the Board has the option, if it so desires, to continue the case to its next meeting date. This is usually done if additional information is required. Ms. Fagan questioned what happens if the twenty-six foot (26’) setback cannot be met. Mr. Bickley indicated if the amended setback cannot be met, the applicants would need to reapply to the BZA or modify the improvement to comply with the twenty-six (26) foot setback.

Mr. Myers indicated that they intend to make the house look nice. Ron Nisch reviewed the drawings as submitted by the applicants.

Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Finding of Fact was reviewed by the Board. The Board agreed with the applicant by a 4 – 0 vote on Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 and the Board voted 2 – 2 on Item 6.

Doug Blackburn made a motion to approve Case #254978 with the condition that the front porch will not be enclosed. The motion was seconded by Jack Zeigler and all members voted in the affirmative. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Approval of Minutes – February 10, 2021

The meeting minutes from the February 10, 2021 meeting was mailed to each member. Brian Caldwell moved to approve the February 10, 2021 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded Doug Blackburn. Motion passed.

Other Business

Todd Bickley indicated that two (2) area variance applications have been submitted for next month.


Brian Caldwell moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Doug Blackburn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

___________________________ ________________________________
Bryan Baugh, Chairman Sandra Erwin, Secretary

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