Paul Shaw called the meeting of the Catawba Island Zoning Commission to order on February 27, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Shaw introduced the members of the Commission. They included Patti Piacentino, Jordan Davenport, Vice Chairman, and Stephen Lonneman. Also in attendance was Walter Wehenkel, Zoning Inspector and Zoning Commission Secretary and Matt Montowski, Township Trustee. With no members of the general public in attendance Mr. Shaw stated he would not read through the meeting format. He requested those in attendance to turn off all portable electronic devices.
Mr. Shaw led the Commission and guests in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Shaw offered for consideration by the Commission, the following agenda for the meeting.
1) The reading and approval of our last meeting minutes
2) Potential initiation of proposed text amendments to the Catawba Island Township
Zoning Resolution.
3) Any old business
4) Any new business
Mr. Shaw asked if there were any additions or changes to the meeting agenda. There being none, Jordan Davenport moved to adopt the proposed meeting agenda. Patti Piacentino seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Shaw stated the minutes were mailed to each member. He requested a motion to approve the minutes as mailed. Patti Piacentino moved to approve the minutes as mailed. Jordan Davenport seconded her motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Mr. Shaw read a letter from Keith Fisher in which he submitted his resignation on February 6, 2013 effective immediately. Mr. Shaw stated the resignation was accepted and Mr. Lonneman was appointed by the Township Trustees to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Fisher. There was a general discussion on the Commission membership and the terms of each member. Mr. Montowski stated the remaining alternate position that is now open will be filled by the Trustees. He was not sure exactly when that would occur. He added for many years there were no alternate members.
Text Amendment Initiation
Mr. Shaw requested a motion for the Zoning Commission to consider the proposed text amendments to the Catawba Island Township Zoning Resolution. Jordan Davenport so moved. Patti Piacentino seconded the motion. The motion was passed.
Mr. Shaw asked Mr. Wehenkel to summarize the text amendments. Mr. Wehenkel stated he had discussions with Joseph Gerber, Director of the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission, on the Catawba Island Zoning Resolution after the recent training session. Joseph is an attorney who previously was employed by the County Prosecutor. Mr. Gerber stated there were several immediate areas of concerns. Mr. Wehenkel requested Mr. Gerber review the entire zoning resolution and suggest areas where changes might be appropriate. Mr. Gerber provided those areas of concern to Mr. Wehenkel. Mr. Wehenkel added some additional areas that he had concerns with and put all of the proposed changes into the format before the Commission.
Jordan Davenport stated Mr. Gerber did a good job on reviewing the resolution. He could not find any additional areas of concerns besides the areas he identified at the January meeting that have been addressed. Paul Shaw agreed that it was a very thorough review. Usually text changes that are initiated are not this complete. Mr. Montowski stated that zoning changes in the past to the text were usually initiated for a specific topic or orientation. He identified the amendment concerning the unanimous vs. majority vote of the Trustees to override the zoning commission recommendation as one such example. Stephen Lonneman stated he has read through the proposed changes and that he had no questions at this time. Patti Piacentino stated she had also read through the changes and felt the changes were awesome and would result in a better zoning resolution.
Mr. Shaw asked for a motion to initiate the proposed text amendments to the Catawba Island Township Zoning Resolution. Jordan Davenport moved to initiate the zoning text amendments. Patti Piacentino seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Mr. Shaw indicated the text amendments would be discussed at the March meeting of the Commission. Mr. Shaw indicated he would not be available on March 27, 2013 and asked if the Commission members would be willing to meet a week earlier on March 20, 2013. The membership all agreed to reschedule the March meeting to March 20th. Mr. Wehenkel stated he would do the proper advertisement and get it to the Regional Planning Commission for their meeting. He has one other possible rezoning request and he will contact the owner and advise his of the meeting date change. The text amendments would be heard by the Township Trustees on April 9th if the Zoning Commission makes a recommendation on March 20th.
Curt Baxter entered the room and apologized for his late arrival.
Old Business
Curt Baxter was introduced by Paul Shaw to the membership. Curt indicated he had met a few of the members at the training session. He looks forward to serving on the Commission.
Mr. Wehenkel indicated the zoning map for the township’s website has been completed. He passed a copy of the map around for the members to see and explain what the hopes are if the webmaster can accomplish them. Copies will be available for the members at the next meeting.
New Business
Mr. Wehenkel stated he had a very busy month in February for zoning fees. He collected around $1,700 in fees for the month compared to a total of $11,400 in all of 2012. It looks like it could be a good year for construction and development.
There being no additional business to transact, Mr. Shaw asked for a motion to adjourn. Jordan Davenport moved for adjournment. Patti Piacentino seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter C. Wehenkel