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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes: August 10th, 2022


AUGUST 10, 2022


Sharon Fawcett Diane Price
William Murphy Joseph Homza, Sr.
Joseph Homza, Jr. Dan Holan
Kathleen Pfeifer Eileen Castle
Didi Miller Brett Limotta
Steve Fry

Chairman Bryan Baugh called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members in attendance included: Jack Zeigler, Sandra Erwin, Brian Caldwell, Doug Blackburn and Alternate Flint Heidlebaugh. Todd Bickley, Zoning Inspector and Trustee Matt Montowski were also in attendance.

Chairman Baugh read through the meeting process. He asked if there were any questions concerning the procedure to be used. There were none.

New Business

Case #157824 William Murphy

Secretary Sandra Erwin read the case facts. The applicant proposes to replace an existing deck and is requesting an area variance to reduce the rear yard setback from twenty-five feet (25’) to 8.6’. The property location is 2957 N. Lark, also known as Lots 86 & 87 of Harbor Estates Subdivision. The property is located in the “R-3” Residential District.

No Board member had a conflict.

William Murphy was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Murphy indicated that the current deck will be replaced and raised by one (1) foot. The deck will remain in the same footprint.

Chairman Baugh questioned if the deck is expanding. Mr. Murphy commented that deck is being replaced and raised, but not expanded out. Chairman Baugh questioned railing. Mr. Murphy indicated that a railing system will be installed and that the steps will be on the north end and all other steps will be removed and not replaced.

Joseph Honza, Sr. was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Honza questioned if the applicant submitted a sketch. Chairman Baugh noted that a sketch was submitted with the application and that both Mr. Honza, Sr. and Mr. Honza, Jr. were welcomed to review the drawings, which they did.

Chairman Baugh closed the discussion from the floor.

The Board reviewed the Finding of Fact. The Board agreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 vote on Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7; and by a 4 – 1 vote on Item 6.

Doug Blackburn made a motion to approve Case #157824 subject to the conditions that a railing system is installed, the steps are off the north side and the deck will not be enclosed. The motion was seconded by Brian Caldwell. The motion passed with all members voting in the affirmative. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Case #157828 Kathleen Pfeifer

Secretary Sandra Erwin read the case facts. The applicant constructed a deck and is requesting an area variance to reduce the canal setback from twenty-five feet (25’) to 13.3’. The property is located at 1398 N. Little Drive, also known as Lot 31 of Harbor Park Marinas Inc. 2 Subdivision. The property is zoned “R-4” Residential District.

No Board member had a conflict.

Kathleen Pfeifer was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Ms. Pfeifer noted that the application included additional information concerning the railing system and the deck dimensions. Ms. Pfeifer noted that a large tree was taken down and that the view was improved. Ms. Pfeifer indicated that she had pictures showing both the south and north views.

Doug Blackburn questioned if the roof extension was included with the application. Kathleen commented that the application was only for the deck. Mr. Blackburn questioned if a roof extension was still desired. Ms. Pfeifer noted that she would still like a roof over the deck.

Brett Limotta questioned how long did they have to complete the construction. Todd Bickley noted that a zoning certificate is valid for eighteen (18) months.

Chairman Baugh closed discussion from the floor.

The Board reviewed the Finding of Fact. The Board agreed with the applicant by a 5 – 0 vote on Items 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7; agreed with the applicant by a 3 – 2 vote on Item 6; and disagreed with the applicant by a 3 – 2 vote on Item 2.

Sandra Erwin made a motion to amend and approve Case #157828 reducing the canal setback from twenty-five feet (25’) to 13.3 feet. The motion amended the application to include the roof extension over the deck and the amended application included the condition that the deck will not be enclosed. The motion was seconded by Doug Blackburn. Motion passed with all Board members voting in the affirmative. Chairman Baugh did not vote.

Other Business

No other business to conduct.

Approval of Minutes – July 13, 2022

The meeting minutes from the July 13, 2022 meeting was mailed to each member. Jack Zeigler moved to approve the July 13, 2022 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded Brian Caldwell. Motion passed.


Doug Blackburn moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded Sandra Erwin. The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_____________________________ _________________________________
Bryan Baugh, Chairman Sandra Erwin, Secretary

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