June 8, 2016
Charles & Sandra Rhoad
Edward & Barbara Stidom
Gary & Laurie Brodek
Rick Smetzer
Kathryn Dale
Chairman Bryan Baugh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members were introduced by Chairman Bryan Baugh and included: Sandy Erwin, Jack Zeigler, Jack DeVore, Doug Blackburn and Tim McKenna, Alternate. Mr. Baugh requested Tim McKenna serve as a voting member as Jack DeVore is having some problems with his hearing. Mr. Baugh then introduced Walter Wehenkel, Township Zoning Inspector. Mr. Baugh read through the procedure to be followed for the meeting. He asked if there were any questions regarding the procedure by those in attendance. There were none.
Case # 008667 – Edward & Barbara Stidom
Chairman Baugh requested Sandra Erwin read the information for this case. Mrs. Erwin stated the request is for area variances being requested by Edward and Barbara Stidom for property at 3760 Hampton Road in Section 3, Lot 6 of Catawba Island Township. The property is zoned “A” Low Density Residential and the lot contains 5.11 acres of land. The variance request would allow an accessory building in the front yard instead of the side or rear yard and would allow the accessory building to contain 1,440 square feet instead of the allowed maximum of 950 square feet. All parties have been notified, it was in the newspaper and there is no correspondence. Mr. Baugh asked if there was a conflict of interest for any Board member. There was none.
Mr. Baugh asked who was present to discuss the request. Ed Stidom introduced himself and was sworn in by Chairman Baugh. Mr. Stidom stated that he is asking for the barn to be in the front yard as his leach field was put in the back yard and access to that area is very limited. There was very little rock in the area where he wants to put the accessory building. It would be much easier with the existing leach field to put it in front of the house. There really is no place else he could put it. Mr. Baugh stated there were no flags on the site. Mr. Stidom stated the existing stones made it difficult to insert the flags. He had marked it with stakes but they were not easily seen.
Tim McKenna asked if the size of the building was important. Mr. Stidom stated he has a 5th wheeler and a truck that he would like to store in the barn. He stated he was ignorant about zoning initially, but understands it more after talking to the zoning inspector. Mr. Baugh stated he had a similar concern. Mr. Stidom stated it is back off the road and not affecting anyone. His neighbors are in agreement with the planned location. Mr. Zeigler asked about the building material. Mr. Stidom stated it would be a metal building by Attica Lumber. There would be a stone drive and a concrete floor inside the building.
Mr. Baugh asked if the existing shed would remain. Mr. Stidom stated he could remove it if necessary. Mr. Wehenkel stated that the total accessory building square footage allowed is 950 square feet. The new barn is 1,440 square feet. If the shed is to remain, the variance needs to be increased to include that square footage. Mr. Baugh stated the shed needs to be eliminated.
There being no other testimony, the public hearing was closed. The Board members had no additional discussion and Chairman Baugh asked Sandra Erwin to read the Finding of Fact. The Board unanimously agreed with questions #1, #3, #4, #6, and #7. There was some disagreement with the responses to questions #2 and #5.
Doug Blackburn moved to approve the two variances as requested with the stipulation that the existing shed must be removed from the property and the maximum square footage for accessory buildings not exceed the 1,440 square feet. Jack Zeigler seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously.
Case # 008674 – Charles and Sandra Rhoad
Chairman Baugh requested Sandra Erwin read the information for this case. Mrs. Erwin stated the request is for area variances being requested by Charles and Sandra Rhoad for property at 5307 Greenview Drive and also known as lot 3 of Greenview Subdivision in Catawba Island Township. The property is zoned “C-4”, but the “R-4” zoning requirements apply. The request is to allow an area variance from the required rear yard setback for a replacement manufactured home. The required rear yard setback of 35 feet is being reduced to 23 feet. A 12 foot by 56 foot manufactured home will be replaced with a 16 foot by 68 foot manufactured home. The front yard setback will be established based upon the average front yard setbacks of the adjoining homes. The side yard setbacks and lot coverage will comply with the district requirements. All parties were notified, it was published in the newspaper, and there is no correspondence.
Mr. Baugh asked if any member had a conflict of interest. There was none. Mr. Baugh stated there are different addresses being used. One is 5307 Greenview and one is 3507 Greenview. The owner stated the address is 5307 Greenview. Chairman Baugh asked Sandra Erwin to make the necessary corrections on the zoning documents which she did. Chairman Baugh then swore in Charles Rhoad.
Mr. Rhoad stated he and his wife are from Clyde, Ohio. They want to relocate to Catawba Island and make this their permanent home. Their son owns the trailer next door to the property. They had chosen the three bedroom trailer that they wanted, and when the lot became available, they purchased it. There is actually just a three foot difference between the existing trailer and the new trailer. The new trailer will be moved forward to line up with the other trailers.
Tim McKenna asked if the existing shed would stay. Mr. Rhoad stated it is a 12 foot by 12 foot shed which they would like to retain. Mr. McKenna stated Mr. Rhoad’s property is surrounded by property owned by Catawba Mooring except to the east where the lot is owned by his son. Mr. Rhoad explained the drawing of the new home versus the existing home to the Board. He apologized for the address mistake and stated the new home would be brand new.
There being no other testimony, Chairman Baugh closed the public hearing. Sandra Erwin stated having a new home at the entrance to the subdivision would look great. Bryan Baugh stated it would be a significant improvement and the request is a modest request and is not substantial. Chairman Baugh asked Sandra Erwin to read the Finding of Fact. The Board unanimously voted yes to questions #5 and #7 and unanimously voted no to the remainder of the questions.
Sandra Erwin moved to approve the variance request as submitted. Tim McKenna seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Case #008675 – Gary and Laurie Brodek
Chairman Baugh requested Sandra Erwin read the information for this case. Mrs. Erwin stated the request is for area variances being requested by Gary and Laurie Brodek for property at 5813 Peach Street and also known as lot 60 of Gem Beach Subdivision, Plat 4 in Catawba Island Township. The property is zoned “A”. The request would allow area variances from the required rear and side yard setbacks for an accessory building. The required rear and side yard setbacks of 10 feet will be reduced to 2 feet in both yards. An existing 8 foot by 8 foot storage shed will be removed and replaced with the 10 foot by 14 foot new shed. All parties have been notified, it was published in the newspaper, and there is no correspondence. Mr. Wehenkel stated he did have a telephone call from a neighbor to the north, Mr. Bird, but he was satisfied with the information that was provided.
Mr. Baugh asked if any member had a conflict of interest. There were none. Mr. Baugh asked who was present to discuss the request. Gary Brodek introduced himself and was sworn in by Chairman Baugh.
Mr. Brodek stated the existing shed is falling apart. This is a summer home and they store bikes, lawnmowers, and lawn furniture in the shed. Mr. Baugh stated the existing shed was being removed. Mr. Brodek stated he used stakes instead of flags to mark the location. Mr. McKenna asked if the neighbors had any issues. Mr. Brodek stated they are all in favor of the new shed.
Sandra Erwin stated she had a problem finding the location as there were no numbers on the house. Mrs. Brodek stated they were painting and the numbers were removed. They will be replaced. Jack Zeigler asked if the new shed would be stick built or a pre-fabricated shed. Mr. Brodek stated it would be stick built and portable. It would be off the ground sitting on concrete blocks.
There being no other testimony, Chairman Baugh closed the public hearing. Mrs. Erwin stated the new shed is wide, but not deeper. Mr. Zeigler agreed and commented that this is a subdivision with small lots. Mr. Baugh requested Mrs. Erwin read the Finding of Fact. The Board unanimously voted yes to questions #1, #5, and #7. They unanimously voted no to questions #2, #3, and #4. There was disagreement on question #6.
Jack Zeigler moved to approve the variance request as presented. Doug Blackburn seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of the May 11, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Tim McKenna moved to approve the minutes as mailed. Jack Zeigler seconded the motion. The motion was passed.
Tim McKenna moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. His motion was seconded by Sandra Erwin. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
_________________________ ______________________________
Bryan Baugh, Chairman Sandra Erwin, Secretary